Connecting to Microsoft SQL Server Tuc Goodwin
Introduction We are going to discuss establishing an connection to a SQL Server Database. You will learn that there is an easy way and a hard way.
Agenda Overview – What do you have to know… Security Modes Database Interfaces Connecting to a SQL Server Data Source
Overview – What do you have to know… 1. Server Name 2. Security Information 3. Database name 4. Data Interface / API to use 5. Steps to connect…
Security Modes There are two types of modes: Standard Mode (default) Integrated Mode
Database Interfaces
Connecting to a SQL Server Data Source Connecting with Data Control Connecting with ADO Data Control (ADO) Connecting with ADO Data Control (DSN) Connecting with ADO Data Control (UDL) Connecting with ADO (Programmatically)
Connecting with Data Control Natively it can’t be done… It uses DAO. However… If a Jet Database has already connected to a SQL Server database, then we can connect to that. Downside We’re indirectly connecting (through JET) Probably not the most efficient way. DEMO
Connecting with ADO Data Control (ADO) Natively it connects fine It’s ADO Set the Connection string property Set the RecordSource property DEMO
Connecting with ADO Data Control (DSN) Natively it connects fine It’s ODBC Set the Connection string property Set the RecordSource property
Data Source Name (DSN) A DSN is a registry entry (Machine DSN) or text file (File DSN) that contains information about a database and the SQL Server it resides on. Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC) Start Menu -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)
Demo – Setting up a Data Source Name
Example of a File DSN (Standard) [ODBC] DRIVER=SQL Server UID=sa DATABASE=StateU WSID=DALGOODWIN3 APP=Microsoft® Access SERVER=dalgoodwin3
Example of a File DSN (Integrated) [ODBC] DRIVER=SQL Server UID=tgoodwin Trusted_Connection=Yes DATABASE=pubs WSID=DALGOODWIN3 APP=Microsoft Open Database Connectivity SERVER=DALGOODWIN3\DALGOODWIN32000
DEMO – ADO Control with DSN
Connecting with ADO Data Control (UDL) Natively it connects fine It’s ADO Set the Connection string property Set the RecordSource property
Creating a UDL Create a file with a.UDL extention. Double-click on the icon.
Set the Provider
Set the Connection and Test
Examine the UDL [oledb] ; Everything after this line is an OLE DB initstring Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;User ID=sa;Initial Catalog=pubs;Data Source=dalgoodwin3\dalgoodwin32000 Look familiar? Can you say “Connection string”
DEMO – ADO Control with UDL
Connecting with ADO (Programmatically) Declare an ADO connection object Set the Connection String Open the Connection Instantiate the recordset etc….
DEMO – Connect with ADO
Other ways RDO – Similar to ADO. Use DSN or DSN- less connection strings ODBCDirect – Too much for this lesson ODBC – lots of API calls. Better off with the ADO abstraction.
Summary We discussed establishing an connection to a SQL Server Database. We learned that there is an easy way and a hard way Questions?