August 7, 2014
Welcome Introductions QAP Point Person for Introductions
REVIEW DATA from SITE DATA PROFILE (and other sources) IDENTIFY KEY FINDINGS Draft the QAP SITE-DEFINED GOAL SECTION If time allows, begin developing the QAP ACADEMIC GOAL. (Work with your Academic Liaison to develop this section) If time allows, begin developing Restorative Practices and Physical Activity Goals. Additional information will be provided at the ELC sessions next week. Set the NEXT MEETING DATE for your site team! Priorities for today’s common planning time
IN HAND: QAP template Site Data Profile from Public Profit Spring Visit QAPs (which include last year’s goals and progress towards goals) FROM THIS MORNING: 6 District Strategies Theory of Action information Index card ON THE SFUSD WEBSITE: School Site’s Balanced Score Card Data to inform planning
Look at the 1 st column percentage for your site: Are there any particularly low #s? How does it compare to the percentage for the rest of the ExCEL sites listed in column 2? Does this percentage reflect where your site would like to be? Getting oriented to the Data Profile
Common Planning Time
Today is the start of a year-long process that includes: planning, implementation, support, and reflection Initial QAP is due in EMS on 8/29 QAP site meetings will take place during September/October Final QAP including revisions is due in EMS on 11/7 Important QAP Dates
Please work with your site’s Academic Liaison to plan for the Academic Component. Don’t forget the CBO Support Section QAP info page includes: key objectives with “at a glance” timeline. Other reminders
Reflection on our work today Closing Circle
Linda Sawamoto, Online Learning Coordinator SFUSD Division of Curriculum and Instruction, Office of Extended Learning and Support (ExLS) Presentation this afternoon Urgent Announcement: Credit Recovery Information for High Schools
BEACON SITESTANYA AVILAAMY ADKINS AP GianniniAptosAcademy of Arts & Science BurtonHooverBalboa DenmanIndependence HSDowntown EverettJames LickGalileo FranciscoJune JordanIda B. Wells John Muir ElementaryLincolnISA Visitacion Valley MSMarshall HSMarina WashingtonMission HighMLK PresidioO'Connell Roosevelt SF International Wallenberg QAP Assignments