EECERA Prague Quality of provision through support of a Quality Specialist Heather Godfrey IPPA
EECERA Prague Background to the Study IPPA Quality Improvement Programme:IPPA Quality Improvement Programme: Aim: support a play curriculum Aim: support a play curriculum 6 Training Days over 6 months 6 Training Days over 6 months 3 on-site support visits 3 on-site support visits Regulations and Reports (all top down)Regulations and Reports (all top down)
EECERA Prague Dimensions of Quality 1. Aims, values and physical environment 2. Play, equipment and experiences 3. Daily routines 4. Interaction, learning and teaching strategies 5. Observation, planning and assessment 6. Partnership with parents and community
EECERA Prague Rationale Being aware of the challenges facing childcare practitioners, I want to support them in providing a quality service In my role I want to improve my own practice In my role I want to improve my own practice
EECERA Prague The Quality Cycle
EECERA Prague How can I support practitioners to provide a quality service, taking account of their diverse needs & how can I improve my practice during the course of a Q.I.P? Research Question
EECERA Prague Literature Review Models of QualityModels of Quality Reflective PracticeReflective Practice Vygotsky’s (1978) Zone of proximal developmentVygotsky’s (1978) Zone of proximal development Rogoff’s (1990) Guided apprenticeshipRogoff’s (1990) Guided apprenticeship
EECERA Prague Training 2On-site support 2On-site support 3Documentation and evaluation 3Documentation and evaluation Elements of Quality Support
EECERA Prague Research Design Action Research is a form of enquiry that ‘Action Research is a form of enquiry that enables practitioners to investigate and enables practitioners to investigate and evaluate their work’… to improve their own learning and influence the learning of others’ (McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J. 2006:7) (McNiff, J. & Whitehead, J. 2006:7)
EECERA Prague Sample 6 services- full-daycare and sessional preschool - community & private6 services- full-daycare and sessional preschool - community & private 13Participants on QIP13Participants on QIP On site staff from On site staff from month period6 month periodMethod Training Days Training Days Focus groups Focus groups Evaluations Evaluations Portfolios Portfolios Data Collection
EECERA Prague Step One Met the services – process of application & preliminary visit. Gathered baseline information e.g. facilities for play experiences Personal reflection on challenges
EECERA Prague Step Two Training Day Format: Discussion, expert input, peer sharing & experientials. Format: Discussion, expert input, peer sharing & experientials. End of training day – Signposts to consider for action End of training day – Signposts to consider for action Personal Reflection & evaluation
EECERA Prague Step Three Participants met with staff and formulated an action plan formulated an action plan
EECERA Prague Step Four On-site support – Quality Specialist met with staff – supported action plan & evaluated progress – feedback Personal Reflection
EECERA Prague Step Five Subsequent training days began with sharing of progress to date and then focussed on another dimension of quality
EECERA Prague Changes to practice Enhanced children’s play - altered layout Children had more choices because accessible equipment & materials were provided Children more engaged - added open-ended materials More relaxed meal times – problem solving & collaboration
EECERA Prague Emerging Findings A greater understanding of ‘Quality’: “ I now realise it only takes a small change to make a difference ….” Improved relationships: “We now use the steps in Conflict Resolution and have explained these to the parents…”
EECERA Prague Emerging Findings Enhancing children’s play: “Since the on-site visit we decided to move the water play area out of the big room…and it has made such a difference to the children’s play” “Since we moved the dress-up area the children are using this more”
EECERA Prague Emerging Findings Altered routines: “We decided to have the dinner time ten minutes later…this has reduced the stress on both children and us” “We changed our routine after break… there is less fuss now”
EECERA Prague Emerging Findings Provided access to equipment and wider experiences : “The new boxes we got means the children can now get at the things themselves” “We gave them bits of string, boxes and glue – it was great to watch as they enjoyed using these open ended materials”
EECERA Prague Emerging Findings Benefited from sharing: “I have found that the group discussion at the beginning of each training day very useful, as the discussion would be based around how we got on with the previous report – it would throw up all sorts of issues/ideas” “I have found that the group discussion at the beginning of each training day very useful, as the discussion would be based around how we got on with the previous report – it would throw up all sorts of issues/ideas”
EECERA Prague Outcomes Better experiences for children Motivated staff Child centred routines Benefited from sharing
EECERA Prague My Reflections Igained a deeper understanding of what quality means and that small changes really do make a huge difference I gained a deeper understanding of what quality means and that small changes really do make a huge difference I was encouraged by the enthusiasm of staff to provide quality childcare for the children in their services by giving up their time to attend the Training Days
EECERA Prague Implications for Practice Value Reflective practice - Emphasise use of Quality Cycle on support visitValue Reflective practice - Emphasise use of Quality Cycle on support visit Time frame – more time between training daysTime frame – more time between training days Awareness of diversity in levels of training and experienceAwareness of diversity in levels of training and experience
EECERA Prague Thank You Heather