The title of your presentation goes here IOP in the changing environment of scientific publishing SLA, Chicago, July 2012 Dr. Olaf Ernst, Commercial Director
Major trends in STM publishing Move from print to electronic (Mobile use) Evolving of new business models (Open Access) Research output growth with library budgets not catching up
IOP’s strategy Adding value & delivering scientific impact
Innovation in online delivery services Content first Enhancing the user experience Working with users Designing for all device types Catering for different sales models Satisfying publishing partners
Figure tools Full size images, not thumbnails Zoom in Export to PowerPoint
Video embedded into articles
Semantic enrichment of content
Innovation on business models E-only & print on demand Evolve from the print historical spend in journal pricing Flexibility is key Quality of content New article (usage) and author level (Author ID) metrics will evolve next to the IF End of the Big Deal? Open access
IOP as early pioneer in open access publishing Four peer-reviewed open access journals New Journal of Physics, launched 1998, co-published with Deutsche Physikalische Gesellschaft (DPG) Science and Technology of Advanced Materials, launched 2000, published on behalf of the National Institute for Materials Science, Japan Environmental Research Letters, launched 2006 Advances in Natural Sciences: Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, launched 2010, co-published with the Vietnamese Academy of Science and Technology Three open access conference series IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering Journal of Physics: Conference Series
IOP’s open access activities Since June 2011: 27 subscription journals offering ‘hybrid’ open access Income from publication fees taken into account in subscription prices 2011: 4 articles published Ongoing experiments on business models to manage the transition properly Author pays model supports “vanity publishing” Institutional membership fees
Growing research output Research output is growing at least at 4% p.a. since more then a decade China will be soon the biggest producer of research output in the world Library budgets are at best flat Nothing really IOP can do about it, but.. Investing more resources in Asia and other emerging markets to better serve the research & library community