-ALL teachers are expected to actively participate in planning discussions during PLC meetings. Teachers should bring ideas/resources to share with the team each weekly meeting. -All teachers will contribute to the lesson plans for all subjects. -Core ELA instruction should be at least 1hour and 30 min each day -Core Math instruction should be at least 1 hour each day -Lunch and recess time should be approx. 45 minutes total each day -Reading Crawdad Connection and Math Crawdad Connection will be a approximately 30 minutes -Social Studies and Science should be integrated into ELA and Math on a regular basis -Students should be writing across the curriculum on a regular basis. (Mini-lessons and conferencing should be included) -Students should be given a written response opportunity on a regular basis similar to Reading 3D using document provided by Ribbeck. This should be included in your weekly lesson plans. This can be created in weekly PLC mtgs. This will help prepare them for the formal assessments.
-Curriculum Guides and your TPT cards/resources need to be accessible during all PLC meetings -Data Notebooks need to be maintained for every student. These will be randomly checked during CWTs and visits by asking a student(s) to share. You will also be asked to bring a few to bi-weekly Friday PLC meetings. Teams need to review graphs/charts being used and make revisions as needed. -Teacher Assistants are to be used for instruction not clerical duties. This could mean teaching a small group of students who are at or near grade-level or facilitating a larger group of above grade-level students. -Each teacher will receive 15,000 copies for the year. Any copies beyond that will need to be approved by the principal on an individual basis (for each request). -Grades should be entered into Powerschool at least once a week so parents will know how their children are progressing. -Weekly updates should also be sent home to parents to keep them informed of students academic progress as well as behavior. -All teachers should maintain a parent contact log -The Seven Habits should be included in your instruction every week.
-Lesson plans should be submitted to the designated Leadership Team member by Monday 7:00 am. Oliphant- 3 rd -5 th, EC, and ESL Ribbeck- 1 st - 2 nd, Enhancements
Your lesson plans must address these five essential questions: 1.What do students need to know? (What standards are you teaching?) 2. How will they learn it? (HYS, TPTs, Activities, Materials, Resources, Differentiation, etc-be specific) 3. What will you do if they don’t learn? (Reteaching strategies/activities, Differentiation, TPTs, etc—be specific) 4. What will you do if they know it? (Enrichment strategies/activities, Differentiation, TPTs, etc-be specific) 5. How will you know if they learned it? (Quick formative assessments, etc—be specific)
Student Engagement Approximately every 10 minutes students should be allowed the opportunity to talk and/or write about their learning.
Total Participation Techniques has been purchased for the Nooks. This book contains strategies to keep students actively engaged. Each teacher is also being given a set of cards that contain the TPTs as a quick reference. Chapter 4 pg 35 through Chapter 8 pg 90 discusses specific techniques. Additional links l+Participation+Techniques+PowerPoint.pdf ive%2Bin%2Btpts.pdf
The TPTs can also be used as formative assessments. “Formative assessments help teachers evaluate students’ knowledge and understanding and then adjust their teaching to produce improved learning.” (Black & Williams, 1998) Other Quick Assessment Ideas: P/QuickAssessmentStrategies.html
We are all in this together! The leadership team will bring ideas for including TPTs and other high yield strategies to PLC meetings each week based upon the CCSS being taught.
TCE Lesson Plan Feedback Form Teacher: Date: Reviewed by: Lesson Plans answer the 5 Essential Questions for ELA and Math: (What do students need to learn? How will they learn it? What will you do if they don’t learn it? What will you do if they know it? How will you know if they learned it?) _______ Yes _____ No ____ Partially Comments: