Traffic-Light-Tool ® Introduction 2010
2 Executive Summary Traffic-Light-Tool ® Systematic and pragmatic controlling instrument for enhanced (qualification) activities and company’s success plus possible benchmarking Measurable and sustainable success of (change) projects via a small investment that will be easily paid off by the improvement achieved Higher ROI of (training) measures through sensitization of participants, selection of the necessary activities and information for trainer & coach in advance Universal fields of application in employee development, (customer) potential analysis, assessment center, mystery shopping & need-oriented research Excellent experience since 2005 in ten countries and in five languages with the patented Traffic-Light-Tool ® e.g. for Porsche and Deutsche Bank
3 ‘You can only manage and improve, What you can measure!’ Peter Drucker Measure and improve The Traffic-Light-Tool ® increases the measurable & sustainable success of Change Projects with a catchy controlling of specific strengths & potentials. measure improve
4 Measurable Talent Management Source: Boston Consulting Group (BCG) Research in 83 countries Measurable Talent Management has an international priority in future importance and a big potential as research from BCG and demonstrate.
5 Automotive industry (Financial) services Retail Fast moving consumer goods Health Care Industrial investments Premium-/ luxury products The possible utilization of the Traffic-Light-Tool ® is universal, related to the content and target group of the analysis as well as the industry. Universal fields of application Leadership Excellence Employee/coachee competencies 360°- feedback Mystery shopping results Customer potentials & actions Retailer ranking Assessment center Employee / customer surveys Further analyses depending on requirements
6 The Traffic-Light-Tool ® assessment (self evaluation & feedback) creates above all the important awareness for the need of change and less emotional defense. Successful systematic Change Management No awareness for need of change Information and motivation Emotional defense Support of coach & manager Hurdles in the implementation Refreshing Integration in (sub-) conscious work procedure Time Unfreezing Changing Refreezing Acceptance 5 Trial-and- error 9 8 Forgetting in daily work Main hurdles within the change process 1 Success of change
7 Efficient process for using the Traffic-Light-Tool ® The three steps in a Traffic-Light-Tool ® project are effective as well as efficient and require only little resources of all parties involved Preparation Definition of goals Selection of participants Fine-tuning of specific questionnaire Setup of online system Execution Self-evaluation Assessment from coach, manager etc. Utilization of results Selection of needed measures Involvement of manager, trainer & coach Success controlling (comparison before and after) Benchmarking
8 Online Traffic-Light-Tool ® Go to and check out the pragmatic and easy-to-handle functionalities and graphical reporting options of the online tool. Your demo access: User-ID: demoen Password: tlt demoen tlt
9 Online Traffic-Light-Tool ® Compared to pen-&-paper or Excel-file possibilities, the online Traffic-Light-Tool ® version is the most professional first-class way without room for mistakes.
10 Client success story with Traffic-Light-Tool ® In this exemplary client success story, the portion of strengths of the sales & relationship managers has improved by 56 percent 14 months after the project’s end. Before After Competence analysis before project Competence analysis after project
11 NB: Further graphic solutions like pie charts are available. Extracts of graphical result displays - - The Traffic-Light-Tool ® offers a wide variety of already implemented graphic solutions for presenting the results of the analysis. Heat map Ranking Changes House Regional comparison TLT Scorecard
12 Examples of Traffic-Light-Tool ® references Many international holdings as well as Small & Medium-sized Businesses already increased the success of their projects with the Traffic-Light-Tool ®.
13 Selected quotes from clients and trainers The following exemplary quotes from customers and trainers show their enthusiasm utilizing the Traffic-Light-Tool ®. ‘efficient instrument for a structured competence analysis’ ‘constructive support of & for manager’ ‘real Change Management Tool’ ‘motivational feature for all parties involved’ ‘higher commitment for change’ ‘systematic, effective personal coaching’ ‘participant has a more active role before, during & after the project‘ ‘better training success’ ‘results measureable and sustainable’ ‘very important added value’ ‘fitting individual improvements’ ‘clearly improved Return on Investment’
14 26 detailed advantages of Traffic-Light-Tool ® Optimally trained team Systematic challenge of & support for employees Assistance in practical transfer into daily business Less absence of employees through optimized allocation of training modules Improvement of needed skills of employees Individual, systematic feedback for the employee about specific competencies and improvement opportunities for managers Feedback concerning the performance improvement of participants Deduction of own degree of influence and effectiveness Systematic training/ coaching Improved involvement of participants (e.g. benchmarks) Increased assertiveness and less resistance of participants Enhanced information about the competences of participants Custom-fit conceptualization of training & coaching for trainer & coach Measurable improvement of sustainable (business) success through systematic change management Overview of trainer quality Higher efficiency of project (content fit based on facts instead of assumptions) Increased effectiveness of HR projects (right trainings for the right people) Possible budget savings for company/ HR Visualization of own improvements (own evaluation and e.g. from manager) increases the daily motivation Reminder about content Motivation through ability to prioritize contents of training (effective use of time) Competence comparison with others Target-oriented, individual knowledge transfer Improved awareness for the contents of training Structured self assessment Optional systematic feedback from others (e.g. manager, team or coach) for participants after training (measuring success) during training (systematic change) before training (competence analysis) Benefits
15 Contact us in order to help you putting your traffic-lights to green! Website: or