GCSE PE Year 10 Skeletal System
The Skeletal System Learning Objectives Be able to explain the function of the skeleton Be able to name all the bones of the skeleton. To know the four types of bones and their function. Starter Activity Name and describe a test that is used to measure agility ?
Q. How many bones make up the Human Skeleton ?
206 bones make up the skeleton
Discuss what are the functions of the skeleton?
5 functions of the Skeleton Protection - the cranium and ribs protect the brain and vital organs in the chest. Shape - gives shape to the body and makes you tall or short. Support - holds your vital organs in place when playing sport. The vertebral column holds the body upright. Movement - muscle are attached to bones, which are jointed. When the muscles contract the bones move. Blood production - red blood cells (to carry oxygen) and white blood cells (to protect against infection) are produced in the bone marrow of some bones.
Label the diagram of the skeleton
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Contains the moving parts that are not connected to the VERTEBRAL COLUMN. Pectoral girdles Upper Limbs Pelvic Girdle Lower Limbs
APPENDICULAR SKELETON Makes locomotion, digestion, excretion , reproduction and to protect the major organs of locomotion.
Axial Consists of 80 bones Vertebral Column 26 bones Rib Cage ( 12 pairs) Skull Discuss with your partner what you think its function is ?
Axial Up right posture of humans is maintained by the axial skeleton, which transmits the weight from the head, the trunk, and the upper extremities, down to the lower extremities.
How many types of bones are there ?
Types of Bones Long Short Flat Irregular
Long Bones Femur Humerus Metatarsals Have a body longer than it is wide Have a hard outer casing with spongy bone in the centre. Bones such as the Femur Humerus Metatarsals
Short Bones Are roughly as wide as they are long. Contain large amounts of bone marrow to make blood vessels. Bones such as the Carpals and Tarsals in the wrist and foot
Flat Bones Strong, flat pieces of bone Their main functions are protection and muscle attachment Bones such as the cranium (skull) and scapula (shoulder blade)
Irregular Bones Do not fit into any of the other categories and often have an unusual shape Bones such as the Vertebrae, Sacrum and Mandible