The Business Plan and the Business Model Margarita Antonova Volunteer Telerik Academy Business System Analyst Telerik Corporation.


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Presentation transcript:

The Business Plan and the Business Model Margarita Antonova Volunteer Telerik Academy Business System Analyst Telerik Corporation

2  Software product vs. SaaS  The Business Plan  Break-even  Workshop 1: How do they work?  The Business Model  Types  Workshop 2: Financial Plan

Defining the combination of product and services we are selling

 Definition a single application or a group of applications built to be used by the client  Key concept the client owns the product and usually needs to install it in order to take advantage of it 4

 Key features:  License & Support fee – grant permission of usage  Life-cycle – common stages in the life of a product on the market: inception, market entry, promotion, growth,  Product line –  Product line – set of related systems that address a market segment, build from common assets allowing for reuse (  Product ecosystem – a group of products or products and services (hardware, software, support, etc.) 5

 SaaS Definition – software as a service – a software delivery model where the client uses the benefits of the software without necessarily owning the software  Key concepts:  SaaS is in the Cloud  Deployment is instant  Typically accessed through a browser  Hardware is outsources  Technical support belongs to the Cloud, the client only need training  Reduced IT costs 6


Short term planning for the success of your business

 Definition 1 –  Definition 1 – an idea of how we are getting the funds to produce: equipment, overhead, salaries, taxes, licenses, etc. and how we are getting the profits to break even   Definition 2 – a list of business goals, the reasons they are achievable and a plan to achieve them   Definition 3– [tell the bank] what you plan to do and how you plan to do it 9

 Key concepts:  Strategic – today I can do this, tomorrow I want to do that and here is how  Short term – covers the next 3-5 years  Can serve different purposes:  Financial – not a financial document but expected by the investor  Communication – use to display idea and goals to stakeholders  Plausibility – evaluate the idea for the business  Improvement – organize and understand the business in order to develop it  Finality – not final, can be enhanced and further improved based on discussions, needs and goals 10

 Structure:  Executive Summary – state what you want to achieve  Business Description – explain the industry and the key features of its markets including future possibilities  Marketing Plan – supported with the market analysis:  Identify the target market  Explain the competitive environment  Describe the product and its development 11

 Structure:  Operations Plan – describes:  Organization of the company: departments and their roles  Human Resources needed – training and outsourcing  IT communication needed  Risk analysis – identify potential hazards  Procedures to handle risk – strategic, legal and financial  Discuss business continuity 12

 Structure:  Financial Plan – current and/or future break down of the financial policies in the business  Financing the business – current and future sources: investors, own capital, profit, etc.  Financial forecast:  Cash flows – source and amount of needed cash for obligations  Income Statement – ability to obtain cash  profit = revenue - cost  Balance Sheet – annual summary of the financial situation  Assets = Liabilities + Equity 13

 Structure:  Decision-making Criteria – having a business is ultimately a financial decision  Break-even analysis  when is BEP (break-even point) expected  BEP is the point at which cost = revenue  Net Present Value and the time value of money  What is the current value of the future cashflows  If negative or insufficient, is the business worth doing?  ROI – return on investment for the creditors 14

 What is the business model:  How the company will create, deliver and establish value  Should take into consideration Web 2.0 concepts – user generated contend, networking, collective intelligence, focus on experiences, etc.  Not all business models are effective or profitable 15

 Types of business models:  Offline & online presence  Advertising  No middle-man  Direct sales  Franchise  Freemium 16

 Example:  sbp sbp sbp  Resources:  

How much money is required to get your business started and generating revenue? Identify needed capital requirements by determining where your business stands today, and what is needed in order to move forward. Where do you get your money from? If you are in need of outside funding, what will be the sources and uses of funds requested. What needs to happen to break-even? Play around with financial projections and forecasts to determine the volume of sales needed to cover your expenses and to become profitable.

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  Finish up the Financial Plan   Write out the Operations Plan 20

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