Let’s Read It Again: Comprehension Strategies for English-Language Learners
Overview Students will create a English/Spanish Bilingual dictionary with new vocabulary words learned from reading Con Mi Hermano/With My Brother by Eileen Roe
Student Objectives Students will improve English language comprehension and fluency and learn new vocabulary words in their non-native language using repeated readings of a bilingual picture book. Students will reinforce their knowledge of new vocabulary by creating their own English/Spanish (bilingual) dictionaries. Students will work collaboratively to read.
Assessment Students will be assessed on their understanding of the new vocabulary words. A vocabulary quiz will be given.
Materials Con Mi Hermano/With My Brother by Eileen Roe Writing materials List of English/Spanish Vocabulary words from the story book
This is the book we will read. This book is written in English and Spanish. I will read the story in both languages.
I will show the pictures of the book as I read aloud. I will read each page first in English, then in Spanish.
You will create your own dictionaries with English and Spanish vocabulary words from the story.
I will give you: – a blank booklet – a list of English/Spanish Vocabulary words – crayons
You will write the vocabulary words you learned from the story in English and in Spanish in your booklet dictionary. – Examples Brother/Hermano School/Escuela
You should draw pictures to help you remember the meaning of the words. – Example School Bus/Autobus Escolar
After you finish, review the words by reading them aloud with a partner in both languages.
Ask your partner what the word means, they make look at their dictionaries to answer.
Next, students will be partnered in bilingual pairs to take turns reading the story in both languages.
After you have finished your assignment, you and your partner can go onto this website and look up the words in your dictionary.