1 School Financial Services (SFS)Team New Administrator’s Workshop May 6, The Osthoff Resort School Financial Services (SFS) Presenters: Bruce Anderson, Consultant Derek Sliter, Auditor
Workshop Agenda: 2 I ntroductions/Fiscal Year at a Glance Community Programs & Services (Fund 80) updates Administrative Rules under development (PI 15 and PI 17) Summer School – What a District needs to remember Intro to Special Ed for New Superintendents Omni Circular – New Requirements Transfer of Service – Decision Tree
Timeline for the Financial Reports 3 ReportDue Date PI-7206 SAGE – K to 3 programs 5/15/2015 Transportation PI-1547 – aid data 6/26/2015 PI-1505 Cal – school calendar 7/24/2015 PI-1505 Census – Common School Funds 8/21/2015 Transfer of Service – impacts Rev. limit 8/30/2015 PI-1505 AC – Aid Certification 8/28/2015
Timeline for the Financial Reports 4 ReportDue Date PI-1505 Annual Report9/18/2015 PI-1505-SE Special Ed Annual Report9/18/2015 PI-1524 Tuition – State payments to district 9/25/2015 Transportation PI-1547SS Summer School 10/1/2015 Pupil Count Summer PI-1804/180510/1/2015 September PI-1563 – Pupil count 10/7/2015 Interdistrict PI-1541 – Milwaukee area only 10/14/2015 Intradistrict PI-1542 – 4 large urban district 10/14/2015 PI-1588 Supplemental Aid – limited dist. 10/9/2015 PI-1161 Adjustment – Indirect Cost Rate 10/30/2015
Timeline for the Financial Reports done 5 ReportDue Date Tax Levies PC-40111/9/2015 PI-1504 Budget Report11/30/2015 PI-1505-SE Special Ed Budget11/30/2015 January Pupil Count PI-15631/22/2016 Youth Challenge Academy PI /12/2016 Debt Schedules PI-1505 Debt Anytime Referenda PI-1572 Within 10 days
6 Community Service Fund (Fund 80) PI 80 Permanent Rule and one-time non-levy fund balance transfer option
Community Program and Service (CPS) 2013 WISCONSIN ACT Requires DPI to determine if ineligible CPS expenditures exist and if so, reduce the district’s allowable revenue limit authority the following year by the amount of the ineligible CPS expenditures; structured as a negative exemption rather than a reduction to the district’s base (first applies to Revenue Limit calculation for school year, based on expenditures).
Community Program and Service (CPS) 2013 WISCONSIN ACT Where can one find a few examples to guide our district? Questions and Answers Related to Community Programs and Services (CPS) Questions and Answers Related to Community Programs and Services (CPS) Community Service Fund Information website Requires that Fund 80 expenditures be audited by the school district’s auditor.
Chapter 80 Community Programs and Service (Fund 80) effective May 1, This permanent rule creates Chapter PI 80, as required by 2013 Wisconsin Act 306. Under 2013 Wisconsin Act 306, the department must define ineligible costs related to community programs and services. The effective date of this rule is May 1, 2015.
Chapter 80 Community Programs and Service (Fund 80) effective May 1, PI Purpose. (1) Under s (19), Stats., the school board of a common or union high school district, a unified school district, or a 1st class city school district may establish and maintain community education, training, recreational, cultural or athletic programs and services, outside of its regular curricular and extracurricular programs for pupils. (2) The purpose of this chapter is to define which costs are ineligible under s (19), Stats.
Chapter 80 Community Programs and Service (Fund 80) effective May 1, PI Ineligible costs. A school board may not expend moneys on ineligible costs for community programs and services. The following are ineligible costs: (1) Costs for any program or service that is limited to only school district pupils. (2) Costs for any program or service whose schedule presents a significant barrier for age-appropriate school district residents to participate in the program or service. (3) Costs that are not the actual, additional cost to operate community programs and services under s (19), Stats. (4) Costs that would be incurred by the school district if the community programs and services were not provided by the school district.
Community Program and Service (Fund 80) Current legislation 12 PI 80 supersedes previous “criteria” or “characteristics of community service activities” that will be used to describe Fund 80 expenditures. The imposes Fund 80 Levy limit for the and school years no longer exists. The fall survey of Fund 80 levy and expenditures is no longer required.
Community Program and Service (Fund 80) Current legislation 13 School districts are strongly encouraged to: Include information on planned Fund 80 expenditures in the budget summary at an annual meeting and publish this information on the district website.
Community Program and Service in Fund Current law already directs DPI to exclude from Shared Costs (for General Aid purposes) any CPS expenditures. If an audit of the CPS expenditures were to determine that a district had inappropriately coded CPS expenditures to Fund 10, those expenditures would have to be removed from Fund 10 and would decrease the district’s Shared Costs for General Aid purposes.
CPS Fund 80 One-time non-levy fund balance transfer option 15 A one-time option to move non-levy fund balance dollars from Fund 80 to Fund 21 has been created, with prior DPI approval and passage of a Board of Education resolution. Many districts have Fund 80 balances with the intent to use these dollars in the future as allowed by prior law. State law was changed and school boards have limited options to address the use of accumulated Fund 80 balances. School boards will have a one-time opportunity during to move non-levy Fund 80 dollars to Fund 21 and in so, allow the district to honor the intent of this collection of non- levy revenue and operating under the new established Rule. Process to be followed:
CPS Fund 80 One-time non-levy fund balance transfer option 16 Steps to complete the transfer: 1. District will provide the School Financial Services team (SFS) with a written formal request. 2. School Financial Services team will be allowed at least 10 working days to review the formal request starting on the day following receipt of the complete request. 3. With the formal, documented approval of SFS, the Board of Education will then act on the formal resolution clearly stating the dollar amount to be transferred and the intended use. 4. This entire process must be complete on or before Friday, July 31, 2015.
CPS Fund 80 One-time non-levy fund balance transfer option The written formal request will include: (1a.) A cover letter that includes. The dollar amount to be transferred and the non-levy source (e.g. fees, donations, etc.) of the balance. Documentation/description of how the Fund 80 balance came to be and what is the intended use of fund balance. A brief description of how these dollars will be used in the future based on current knowledge and district planning. The letter will explain how “rental fees” will be collected and recorded in the future to prevent a reoccurrence of significant fund balance.
CPS Fund 80 One-time non-levy fund balance transfer option The written formal request will include: (1a.) A cover letter that includes (continued) A statement that acknowledges the district will be responsible for any and all impacts on the Equalization Aid calculation this transaction creates now or in the future. The district understands that this is a one-time opportunity and all Board of Education transactions must be completed by July 31, The action will impact the district financial statements. (1b.)The proposed formal resolution to be considered by the Board of Education after SFS has granted approval.
CPS Fund 80 One-time non-levy fund balance transfer option School Financial Services team will be allowed at least 10 working days to review the formal request starting on the day following receipt of the complete request. The last date to provide a formal request will be Friday, July 17, With the formal, documented approval of SFS, the Board of Education will then act on the formal resolution clearly stating the dollar amount to be transferred and the intended use. 4. This entire process must be complete on or before Friday, July 31, 2015.
20 Administrative Rules under development by the School Financial Services Team
ADMINISTRATIVE RULES Currently under development are” Revising PI 15 Relating to Revenue Limit Exemptions for Energy Efficiencies. This rule change is designed to modify the existing rule so that the rule is reflective of current law. Revising PI 17 Relating to Changes as a Result of 2013 Wisconsin Act 257. Department is authorized to establish criteria for summer school classes and interim session classes receiving state aid.
ADMINISTRATIVE RULES WHAT IS A RULE? A rule has the effect of law and is issued by an agency (DPI) to implement, interpret or make specific legislation administered by the agency. ADMINISTRATIVE RULES ACTIVITY: The first step in the rulemaking process is preparation of a scope statement that sets forth information about the agency’s intended rulemaking, including the objective of the proposed rule, the statutory authority for the rule, and a description of all entities that may be affected by the rule.
ADMINISTRATIVE RULES Once a statement of scope has been published in the Administrative Register and approved by the State Superintendent, (it will be) sent to the Legislative Rules Clearinghouse, After a permanent rule is submitted to the Rules Clearinghouse for review, DPI holds a public hearing before the rule is submitted to the Legislature… Once a public hearing is held a permanent rule can be submitted to the Legislature.
ADMINISTRATIVE RULES After legislative review, the final stage of the rulemaking process is filing the rule. The following rule changes have been reviewed by the Legislature and have recently become effective or will become effective soon. NOTE: The legislative review can result is changes in permanent administrative rule. DPI ADMINISTRATIVE CODE: The DPI Administrative Code can be obtained by going to the Wisconsin State Legislature's website. The DPI Administrative Code The Administrative Code contains all of the permanent rules currently in effect.
WISCONSIN ACT 336 created Long-term capital improvement trust fund (Fund 46)
Long-term capital improvement trust fund. (Fund 46) 26 A school board may establish a “trust” to fund capital improvement projects per their ten year long-term capital improvement plan. The “trust” is funded with a transfer from the general fund. The FY contribution (transfer) from Fund 10 to the Fund 46 trust is recorded as the expenditure for shared cost and equalization aid purposes.
Long-term capital improvement trust fund. (Fund 46) 27 RESTRICTIONS Funds may not be used for cash flow purposes. They must be physically held in a separate account. May only use funds for capital facility projects (per the ten year plan). May not use funds for an initial five year period. (Five years from the date of the first deposit)
Long-term capital improvement trust fund. (Fund 46) 28 BENEFITS Allows districts to set aside funds for capital projects Requires planning for capital facility needs and improvements including care and maintenance. May level out expenses for shared cost (rather than a large project expenditure in Fund 10) Opportunity for end of fiscal year expenditure
Long-term capital improvement trust fund. (Fund 46) 29 Basic Components of a Capital Improvement Plan 1. Describe nature of each capital improvement project. 2. Identify the project location 3. Provide a cost estimate 4. Provide a timeline Getting Started 1. Board approved 10 year capital improvement plan. 2. Board resolution to establish a trust. 3. Creation of a segregated bank account. 4. Deposit funds into the account.
30 Summer School What a district needs to remember.
Summer School -What’s New 31 Online Courses Students in grades 7-12 may take certain summer classes virtually and be counted for membership if they complete the course This includes open enrolled non-residents Interim Sessions (Year round schools only) Courses offered during break periods may be counted for membership (similar to summer school)
Summer and Interim Session Classes 32 Any Board may elect to operate summer classes (between regular school years) or interim session classes (in addition to hours required under s (1)(f)) Pupil Attendance is voluntary Open to all resident children in the district The District may choose to offer recreational/cultural programs (Fund 80) and/or academic courses (Fund 10)
Summer and Interim Session Classes 33 If the course is academic, up to 270 minutes per pupil per day may be counted for membership purposes if the following criteria are met: The course is taught by DPI licensed teachers The District does not charge residents tuition or require them to pay for the cost of instruction Any fees charged are “allowed” and related to the actual cost of supplies Online instruction- Instructional time while students that are on-site may be counted for students in grades 4K-6 Instructional time may be counted for residents students in grades 7-12 that attend virtually if they complete certain specific courses (NEW)
Nonaided Summer Activities 34 Programs supported by federal money or categorical aid Recreational programs, team sports, clubs, open gym, camps Community programs, events, festivals, and performances Travel time, recess and lunch time Orientations and Extracurricular Activities Pre School programs
Summer School - Fees 35 Summer school fees may not be used to subsidize other classes or students. (Fees are accounted for on a per student per class basis) If the class is not for an academic purpose, aided, required, or credited, fees may be charged but must be based upon the actual cost of the class. You must be able to document that expenditures were made to cover the fee charged to each individual student.
Aidable Summer School Minutes 36 Up to 270 minutes per pupil per day Only instructional time may be counted (exclude recess, lunch, travel, independent study time) Only time spent by students receiving direct instruction from a teacher who has the proper DPI license may be counted Do not count pupil minutes for Extended School Year services if you are claiming Special Education categorical aid for related expenses
Summer School Pupil Count 37 Complete the Excel generated worksheets PI1804- W1 and W2 and keep on file Average Daily Membership or Attendance Log The Board approved attendance policy should be used to determine enrollment if ADM is used. Submit the PI1804 Summer School Membership Report electronically through the reporting portal Failure to retain your records could result in a significant impact on the related revenue
Summer School Membership Report (PI-1804-W1) A Full Time Equivalency (FTE) is calculated by dividing the total minutes in column “a” by 48,600. Round the FTE to the nearest whole number, using normal rounding rules. Total minutes are reported to DPI via the SAFR reporting portal. 38 Districts are required to keep this workbook on file. It will be reviewed during a membership audit.
Summer School Membership Report (PI-1804-W2) 39
Summer School Worksheet (PI-1804-W2) 40 Reporting Average Daily Membership (ADM) for state aid eligibility: Use one of the following two methods for determining minutes : Method (1) Calculating ADM – Count the number of days each pupil was a member of the course and then add together to determine the total days of enrollment. The ADM is computed by dividing the aggregate of student membership days in that class by the days of instruction. (This is a nonduplicative count. A student's minutes in a class with two teachers may only be counted once.) This is not average daily attendance. Method (2) - An attendance log is kept by the district for individualized instruction, where classes meet irregularly or for varying time periods. For each day, the teacher's log should indicate the date, name of the pupil, and the number of minutes the teacher provided direct instruction to the student. If two teachers are team teaching the same student at the same time, the student's minutes cannot be duplicated. For logged classes, there is no ADM calculation. Calculation of total minutes is done at the end of the summer school session by totaling all minutes on the attendance log. Logged classes generally should generate very few minutes or FTEs.
Summer School Worksheet (PI-1804-W2) Method (1) EXAMPLE: Fifteen pupils were enrolled in a 30-day course. Twelve of these fifteen pupils were members for the entire 30 days (12 x 30 = 360). Two of the fifteen enrolled ten days after the course had begun, thus they were members for 20 days each (2 x 20 = 40) and one pupil dropped out after attending one day (1x30=30). The ADM is calculated using the total number of days of membership (not total number of days attended) for all pupils. In this case, 401 membership days (12 x 30) + (2 x 20) + (1 x 1). To calculate actual ADM, you would divide the total enrollment days (401) by the number of days the course is held, in this case divided by 30 = ADM. ADM is recorded in columns 8a for residents and 9a for non-residents. It is rounded to two decimal places. To illustrate: 15 RESIDENT PUPILS ENROLLED IN A CLASS THAT MEETS FOR 30 DAYS PUPILS x DAYS OF MEMBERSHIP = PUPIL DAYS 12 x 30 = x 20 = 40 1 x 1 = 1 TOTAL PUPIL DAYS OF MEMBERSHIP = 401 AVERAGE DAILY MEMBERSHIP (ADM)= 401 DIVIDED BY 30 =13.37 ADA in column 8a =
Summer School Worksheet (PI-1804-W2) Method (2) Take the total minutes from the teacher’s “log” and list them on 8a. Do not forget to write "log" on 6a, and the number of days the class was available on 6b. For example: 42
Summer School Membership Audits 43 A membership audit requires the audit of the Summer School membership calculation as well as Summer School fees. Fees are probably the biggest issue regarding Summer School membership audits. Be prepared to be able to document all expenditures made for each individual Summer School class.
Summer School - Fees 44 Suggested Monitoring Activities (during and after the summer program) This should be done on a course by course basis: Confirm fees collected Confirm expenditures for supplies, etc. Compare fees collected with actual costs If you have an excess of revenues over expenditures then refund the under spent portion of the fee before the end of the summer
RESOURCES Fees See DPI's websites regarding fees: School Fees ( Membership Audits ( Summer School ( ) 45
Summer Class Transportation 46 A school board may provide transportation free of charge for pupils residing in the school district and attending summer classes. If the school board provides transportation for less than all pupils, there shall be reasonable uniformity in the minimum and maximum distances pupils are transported. Per s (4) Submit PI 1547-SS by October 1 st
Extended School Year (ESY) 47 ESY describes services provided after the end of the school year as required by an IEP. Services may be provided within a district’s summer school program. Related services (e.g. OT, PT, speech therapy) are not part of the summer school program. Supports in a summer school class (e.g. an aide) are Fund 27 costs and may be eligible for SPED Aid. However, the class itself may not be prorated with a portion in Fund 27. A student attending a summer school class under ESY and receiving SPED Aid eligible support services may not also be counted for summer school membership.
Summer School – Reminders/Clarifications 48 All courses must be taught by a DPI-licensed teacher, with the exception of swimming. Swimming programs may be “taught or directed by” DPI licensed teachers.
Summer School – Reminders/Clarifications 49 Can districts offer online courses during summer school? Districts may count instructional minutes provided through eligible online courses for resident students grades k-12 and students attending through open enrollment in grades 7-12 for state aid and revenue limit purposes. Such classes must comply with all other state summer school requirements (e.g., DPI licensed teachers, fees, partnerships, academic courses, etc.) to be eligible to count students for membership. Online course offerings must be provided on-site to students in grades k-6, completed by students in grades 7-12 and the school district must document and retain records used in the calculation of the instructional minutes generated for each class that is included for the DPI Pupil Count Summer School report.
Summer School 50 For further information about Summer School, go to: Direct questions concerning financial issues to: Carey Bradley: (608) or Direct questions concerning transportation issues to: Bruce Anderson: (608) or Direct general questions to: Wendi Zitske: (608) or
51 Intro to Special Ed for New Superintendents
Fund Fund 27 is the Special Education Fund Think of it as… A segregated subset of your General Fund A method to account for the excess cost of special education A place to keep separate the strings attached to special education money Based on “excess cost” of special education
“Excess Cost” Means Excess 53 An excess cost is a cost you would not otherwise have but for the need to provide a FAPE to students with disabilities. State aid and IDEA grant funding are based upon excess cost
Excess Cost Rules of Thumb 54 Would you incur this cost anyway without a special education program? Would this position have a lower FTE without a special education program? Does this cost also serve students without disabilities? Does this child-specific cost serve her IEP? If the answer is “no,” then it probably isn’t an excess cost of special education.
SPED Funding Sources 55 State categorical aids Special Education and School-Age Parents High Cost Special Education Supplemental Special Education Federal IDEA Part B grants Flow-Through Early Childhood Federal IDEA supplement High Cost Special Education Aid programs cover roughly 1/3 of special education costs in Wisconsin
What’s Funded? 56 Both state aid and IDEA Teachers and aides Specialized transportation IDEA only IEP development and monitoring Technology and other equipment Renovation Support staff Professional development …and more Costs must tie back to IEPs NOTE: Descriptions are broad and generic; consult DPI guidance for specific details and additional allowable costs
Specialized Transportation 57 Serves students with IEP-documented transportation needs Cannot receive both regular and special ed aids for transporting the same pupil Best Practice: Manage and account for regular and specialized transportation separately
Maximizing Your Revenue 58 Put It On The Grant! More costs allowed for IDEA (see Make Sure Staff Are Licensed! Checkoff/tracking system for SPED staff and new hires can be helpful If In Doubt, Ask! Better to find out in advance if a cost is eligible than after it’s paid for
IDEA Maintenance of Effort (MOE) 59 LEAs must spend same local/state amount on special education from year to year Checked twice Eligibility (can you claim funds this year?): Compare this year’s budget (PI-1504-SE) with last year’s actual (PI-1505-SE) Compliance (did you meet the requirement last year?): Compare last year’s actual with the previous year’s (PI-1505-SE) Documentation and calculators available at
The Four MOE Tests 60 MOE Tests Proj. 011/019 Costs Less Local Revenue Fund 10 to Fund 27 Transfer Total Amount Test 1Test 2 Per Student Test 3Test 4 Each test compared separately to the last time you passed it “Per Student” based on Oct. 1 Child Count Only need to pass one
IDEA Excess Cost 61 Requirement you spend at least as much on SwDs as other students before using IDEA “Supplement, Not Supplant” Compared at “elementary” and “secondary” levels District must complete worksheet to determine compliance and keep on file at district New requirement from U.S. Dept. of Ed. audit finding of DPI Must be able to produce worksheet and supporting documentation for Single Audit or random monitoring Documentation and worksheet available at
Takeaways 62 Special education fiscal and program/legal issues are linked Don’t assume business office and special ed director are on the same page The IEP drives everything!
63 The Omni-Circular New Requirements for Federal Grants
What is the Omni-Circular? A new, overarching set of guidelines for all federal grants Does not replace individual grant program requirements Emphasis on building front-end processes to reduce back-end compliance problems Takes effect for any grant awarded after January 1, 2015
Written Procedures LEAs will need to have written procedures in place for use and management of federal funds Procedures will document business processes, assignment of duties, and the like DPI will be providing guidance on best practices, but as the monitoring agency we cannot create sample procedures
Risk Assessment DPI will be conducting risk assessments for each LEA that receives grant funds Looking at things like total funding, compliance history, leadership/staff turnover Assessments will apply to all federal grants Small portion of “high-risk” LEAs will have terms and conditions attached to grant funding Serious problems with one grant will affect DPI’s risk assessment for all your federal grants
For More Information School Management Services will keep their grants page updated with new information: Contact: Kathy Guralski, Assistant Director DPI School Management Services
TOS Decision Tree 68 To assist a school district considering a PI 5000 Transfer of Service request that could impact the Revenue Limit…. Each request must estimate the increase in costs for the school year. A student-based request will follow the TOS Decision Tree. Transfer of Service service website will provide the a larger copy of Decision Tree and supporting information. service
Your turn… 69
Thanks to WASDA for the opportunity to speak to you today! (all Area Code 608) 70 Contact Information Bruce Anderson, Consultant Carey Bradley, Consultant Daniel Bush, Consultant Karen Kucharz Robbe, Consultant Victoria Chung, Accountant Brian Kahl, Auditor Gene Fornecker, Auditor Derek Sliter, Auditor Debi Towns, Assistant Director Bob Soldner, Director School Financial Services