Written by Karma Wilson Illustrated by Suzanne Watts
Hilda Hippo loved to dance, and so each day she practiced hard. She’d twist and turn and whirl and twirl, dressed in her favorite leotard.
She tangoed oh~so~gracefully, and square~danced with a do~si~do.
A square dance is a dance for four couples (eight dancers) arranged in a square, with one couple on each side, facing the middle of the square. Square dances were first documented in 17th century England but were also quite common in France and throughout Europe. They came to North America with the European settlers and have undergone considerable development there. In some countries and regions, through preservation and repetition, square dances have attained the status of a folk dance. The Traveling Hoedowners Square Dancing at Whirl & Twirl (04:25)
Basic Tango Demo (01:27) The Tango - Scent of a Woman (04:30) Tango is one of the most fascinating of all dances. Originating in Spain or Morocco, the Tango was introduced to the New World by the Spanish settlers, eventually coming back to Spain with Black and Creole influences. The story of Tango as told is that it started with the gauchos of Argentina. They wore chaps that had hardened from the foam and sweat of the horses body. Hence to gauchos walked with knees flexed. They would go to the crowded night clubs and ask the local girls to dance. Since the gaucho hadn't showered, the lady would dance in the crook of the man's right arm, holding her head back. Her right hand was held low on his left hip, close to his pocket, looking for a payment for dancing with him. The man danced in a curving fashion because the floor was small with round tables, so he danced around and between them.
The jungle floor would shake and quake, a tidal wave would fill the lake. Her friends would shout,
“For goodness’ sake, They all hoped Hilda’s hobby was a stage that soon would pass. But after one loud, shaky year, they knew this phase would last … and last...
While Hilda danced flamenco in her favorite pair of heels, bananas fell in gooey heaps, shaken from their peels!
Maria Pages – Firedance (05:38) Flamenco is a genre of Spanish music, song, and dance from Andalusia, in southern Spain, that includes cante (singing), toque (guitar playing), baile (dance) and palmas (handclaps). Although there are many theories promising to explain the meaning of the word flamenco, most lack enough evidence to substantiate them. One commonly accepted version translates flamenco as Spanish for the Flemish soldiers of the Spanish-Belgian Territories. These soldiers were renowned for their self-confidence, style and ostentatious pride, all qualities that reflect the gypsy character. In fact, the term "flamenco" came to be synonymous with "gitano" (gypsy) in Spanish Romany Argot.
cried the monkeys from the trees. “Perhaps she’d take up knitting if we asked her, pretty please?”
Hilda tried to sit and knit. She didn’t like it, not one bit. The yarn got tangled, so she quit. “I think I’ll stick to dancing.”
She rumbaed and she sambaed in her favorite flowered skirt. She skipped across the crowded plains and kicked up clouds of dirt.
The word " rumba " comes from the verb "rumbear" which means going to parties, dancing, and having a good time. There are two sources of the dances: one Spanish and the other African. Although the main growth was in Cuba, there were similar dance developments which took place in other Caribbean islands and in Latin America generally. The "rumba influence" came in the 16th century with the black slaves imported from Africa. The native Rumba folk dance is essentially a sex pantomime danced extremely fast with exaggerated hip movements and with a sensually aggressive attitude on the part of the man and a defensive attitude on the part of the woman. The music is played with a staccato beat in keeping with the vigorous expressive movements of the dancers. Accompanying instruments include the maracas, the claves, the marimbola, and the drums. "Rumba Afro-Cubana" Dance Performance (03:33)
The Samba originated in Brazil. It was and is danced as a festival dance during the street festivals and celebrations. First introduced in the U.S. in a Broadway play called "Street Carnival" in the late twenties. The festive style and mood of the dance has kept it alive and popular to this day. Samba is a fun dance that fits most of today's popular music. Brazilian Samba Dancing Performance in San Diego (04:33)
said the rhinos in distress. “If she’d only take up singing, then she wouldn’t make a mess!”
She tired of it very soon. “I think I’ll stick to dancing!” Hilda tried to hum and croon, but found she couldn’t hold a tune.
At the water hole she boogied in her favorite disco pants. She muddied up the river and she trampled down the plants.
Boogie-woogie World Championships (02:52) WRRC Boogie-Woogie World Championship (06:48) Boogie-woogie is an African American style of piano-based blues that became popular in the late 1930s and early 1940s, but originated much earlier, and was extended from piano, to three pianos at once, guitar, big band, and country and western music, and even gospel. While the blues traditionally depicts a variety of emotions, boogie- woogie is mainly associated with dancing.
wailed the water buffalo. “If she’d only take up swimming, we might get some peace, you know?”
Hilda wallowed by the shore. She’d never felt so grand before! “Now, there’s a hobby I adore....”
In her favorite two-piece suit she whirled and twirled with flair. Best of all, the ground stayed still! She floated light as air.
At the turn of the 20th century, synchronized swimming was known as water ballet. The first recorded competition was in 1891 in Berlin, Germany. Many swim clubs were formed around that time, and the sport simultaneously developed within several countries, including Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and the USA.
And while she swam and danced in bliss, it sounded quite a lot like this: A big crowd gathered at the shore. They cheered and clapped and called for more! Her friends cried out...
Beginner’s Square Dance Square Dance I Let’s dance – Tango Flamenco Dance Let’s dance – Rumba Let’s dance – Samba Boogie-Woogie Water Ballet