Eucharistic Adoration Meeting Christ Jesus in the True Presence of the Eucharist
If you could see Jesus face-to-face… How would you act? What would you ask him? What would you tell him?
Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament Jesus is the Blessed Sacrament The Blessed Sacrament is Jesus The Host is the True Presence of God The Eucharist is Our Lord Jesus Christ, Body, Blood, Soul, & Divinity 100% Really, truly, honestly, totally, and completely, always was and always is GOD!
…so what was that you were wanting to tell Jesus? He is here for you! He is waiting for you! He loves you! He wants to see you!
To Properly Worship our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament: We genuflect onto both knees as we enter the Chapel. Pray for Jesus to prepare your heart! We remain silent in order that we may hear Him speaking to us. Pray for the Holy Spirit to help you understand! We keep our eyes and our mind focused on the Lord! We use Prayer Resources to learn and grow.