John Fitzgerald Kennedy Fakebook John Fitzgerald Kennedy Wall Info Write something… Just got off Air Force One in Dallas, Texas. #Back Hurts Share View photos of Kennedy Image Send Kennedy a message 1963 I am a supporter of equal rights for African-Americans. I proposed a new Civil Rights bill to Congress. Information Image 1963 I signed the Limited Nuclear Test Ban Treaty in the United States of America, with the United Kingdom, and Russia. Presidential Number: 35th Political Party: Democrat State Elected From: Massachusetts Dates of Presidency: 1961 - 1963 Vice President(s): Lyndon Baines Johnson Image 1962 I solved the Cuban Missile Crisis by demanding Russia dismantle missiles pointed to the United States in Cuba. I prevented a war between the United States and Russia. Image 1961 The United States sponsored the Bay of Pigs invasion of Cuba but failed and the invasion was unsuccessful. Image 1961 I promised to land a man on the moon before the end of the decade. I funded a 5 billion dollar space program to catch up to Russia. Image 1961 I started the Peace Corps which was a way for young people to volunteer, and help developing countries. They help educate, farm, provide health care, and help with construction projects.
John Fitzgerald Kennedy Fakebook Wall Image John Fitzgerald Kennedy Wall Info Basic Information Birthday: May 29, 1917 Hometown: Brookline, Massachusetts Relationship Status: Married to Jacqueline Lee Bouvier Family Members: Father – Joseph Patrick Kennedy Mother – Rose Elizabeth Fitzgerald Kennedy Children – Caroline Bouvier Kennedy John Fitzgerald Kennedy Jr. Patrick Bouvier Kennedy Following Personal Information Education: Harvard University (1940) Activities/Interests: - When I was young I liked to sail, swim and play touch football games with my siblings. - I enjoyed playing many sports but also enjoyed reading and writing. Pets: a rabbit (Zsa Zsa), 2 hamsters, 2 parakeets, 5 horses, 9 dogs (2 of which are Charlie, Pushinka) Previous Jobs: - Author / Journalist - Lieutenant U.S Navy - U.S Representative (1947 – 1953) - U.S Senator (1953 – 1961) Image Image Democrat Harvard University Image Image Fun Facts Navy and Marine Corps Roman Catholic I won a Navy and Marine medal for saving my crew when I served as Commander of a PT boat during WWII. I am the first president to be a Roman Catholic, and the youngest president ever elected. Image Image I have had four children, Caroline and John Jr. made it to adulthood, and Patrick died when he was two days old. The other child, going to be named Arabella, was a still born. Today only Caroline is alive, John Jr. died in a tragic plane crash. Rosie the Riveter Cape Cod Celebrates 50 years I have chronic back pain which was made worse when I was in a accident during WWII. I wear a back brace and receive many shots to help ease the pain. Click the following link to watch an overview of my life.
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