Pipe fluid-elastics. Fluid-elasticity of a fluid-conveying pipe Fluid dynamics: Water flow U= 5 m/s Structure L=0.238 m Out. Dia.=0.0127 m Inn. Dia.=0.01138 m E=110E9 Pa Dens=4500 kg/m3 Constr.:Walls at both ends LINFLOW 1.4
Structural Results for Pipe used in a Fluid-Elastics Analysis. The ANSYS Structure dynamics The first structural mode The second structural mode (Click on Picture for Animation) (Click on Picture for Animation) The ANSYS first and second modal frequency are 1319 Hz LINFLOW 1.4
LINFLOW Fluid-Elastics Analysis of Pipe with Flow. Coupled Fluid-elastic mode LINFLOW predicts a 1.st fluid-elastic mode with a frequency of 953.1 Hz The analytical result is 959.9 Hz (Δ 0.6%) (Click on Picture for Animation) LINFLOW 1.4