History of Florence Nightingale Recognized as the founder of modern nursing
Presenters: Carol Zinn Eric Nelson Katrina Lampman
The Crimean war How Florence Nightingale’s philosophy and values were developed Environmental adaptation lsWindow?displayGroupName=K12- Reference&action=e&windowstate=normal&catId=GALE%7C MSMB&documentId=GALE%7CK &mode=view&userGroupNa me=mlin_s_curry&jsid=8a9ee2920e1dbc4715abfd66afd9eafd
“The single most defining characteristic of the Nightingale Philosophy comes from her profound devotion to God”- Selanders Theory of holistic nursing
ASSUMPTIONS OF NIGHTINGALE’S THEORY OF NURSING Natural law Mankind can achieve perfection Nursing is a calling Nursing is an art and science Nursing is achieved through environmental alteration Nursing requires a specific knowledge base Nursing is distinct and separate from medicine _Nightingale_theory.html
Nursing Model Roy’s Adaptation Model Focuses on adaptation of the patient on the environment Both internal and external Can be used in all forms of nursing practice Comprised of all 4 nursing concepts ( person, environment, health, nursing )
“The goal of nursing is to put the patient in the best condition for nature to act upon him.” - Florence Nightingale
Florence Nightingale Museum St. Thomas’ Hospital, London Opened February 1989 Modernized in
The Gilded Cage Privileged childhood Struggles with social constraints The Calling Diseased Military hospitals Indian Army Reform and Inspire Public health Nursing Army reform Florence Nightingale Museum Three Pavilions
Case Study A 72 year old diabetic hemiplegic male who has a supra pubic catheter with a leg bag has frequent UTI’s. He has been developing resistant organisms in his urine cultures. When looking at his home environment, he lives in an unkempt home with many family members. He is resistant to have his family help with catheter care. If using the adaptive nursing model what can you, as a nurse, do to help reduce the incidence of UTI’s? What would you do if using the self-care model? How are these nursing models different?
References Chitty, K. K., & Black, B. P. (2011). Nursing theory: The basis for professional nursing. In M. Iannuzzi (Ed.), Professional Nursing: Concepts & Challenges (pp ). Maryland Heights, MO: Saunders Elsevier. Gale Biography in Context. (1998). Nightingale, Florence( ). Encyclopedia of World Biography. Retrieved from Biography in Context Magnello, M. E. (2012). Florence nightingale museum. Nursing History Review 20, doi: / Payne. (Sept, Oct, Nov. 2010). Science, healing, and courage: The legacy of florence nightingale. p.10. The Alabama Nurse. Retrieved from CINAHL Selanders, L.C. (2010). The power of environmental adaptation: Florence nightingale’s original theory for nursing practice. Journal of Holistic Nursing.28:81.Doi: /