Computer Science Mea Wang, Ph.D. Assistant Professor, High School Liaison Department of Computer Science University of Calgary Calgary CS Teacher Symposium, June 2013
Outline Welcome Highlights of the year News Iverson exam Participation Result Feedback Event reminders Department of Computer Science
Calgary CS Teachers’ Symposium TimeEvent 8:30 – 9:00 Registration. Continental Breakfast. 9:00 – 9:10 Welcome from Head, Department of Computer Science Dr. Carey Williamson, University of Calgary 9:10 – 9:25 Report from UofC Mea Wang, Department of Computer Science, UofC 9:25 – 10:20 FLIP Your Class Using a Computer Science MOOC! Gerry Donaldson, Department of Computer Science, UofC 10:00 – 10:30 Open Discussion: Panel Discussion What will a common CSE 20/30 curriculum look like? 10:30 – 10:45 Break 10:45 – 12:00 Teachers: Current & Future Com Sci Programming Teachers describe current state & future plans. 12 Noon – 1:00 Light Luncheon – Networking – Farewell. 1:00 – 4:00 Informal Exchange of Views. Department of Computer Science
Outline Welcome Highlights of the year News Iverson exam Participation Result Feedback Event reminders Department of Computer Science
Highlights - CSTAAB A second success year for CSTAAB and first AGM today Offered workshops and seminars at the Calgary Teachers’ Convention Growing membership Department of Computer Science
Highlights - CSEdWeek educationweek_ educationweek_2010 Computer Science Education Week (CSEdWeek) is an international event designated by the U.S. House of Representatives to recognize the transformative role of computing and the need to bolster computer science at all educational levels. Participants: University Computer Science departments from every Canadian province ( Time: the first week of December CSEdWeek 2012 events: A Speaker's Bureau campaign A tour in the U of C CPSC department, close 120 participants Department of Computer Science
Highlights – Google CS4HS U of C: June 14 – June 27, 2018 Department of Computer Science
Outline Welcome Highlights of the year News Iverson exam Participation Result Feedback Event reminders Department of Computer Science
CanCompEd CACS/AIC was seeking for an alternative time that is more suitable for Canadian high schools and universities Canadian version of CSEdWeek Month of February Feb. 22 – CanCompDay Participated by some provinces
Outline Welcome Highlights of the year Iverson exam Participation Result Feedback Event reminders Department of Computer Science
Iverson Exam The Iverson Computer Science exam is part of the initiative to allow students to use their high school experience in computer science for university admission in Alberta. Time: 9:30am – 11:30am on May 28, 2012 Location: participating high schools for Calgary area All participating students will receive a certificate of participation For 2009 and 2010, we offered $500-tuition-credit awards to the top four students in the Calgary region. For 2011, 2012, 2013, we offered $1000-tuition-credit awards or $500-cash awards to the top four students in the Calgary region. Department of Computer Science
Past Iverson Exam Status 2009 (Total 18 total participants) 2010 (Total 32 total participants) SchoolParticipantsAwards Centennial High School3 Sir Winston Churchill High School52 Western Canada High School102 SchoolParticipantsAwards Lester B. Pearson High School151 Sir Winston Churchill High School71 Western Canada High School102 Department of Computer Science
2011 – 2013 Iverson Exam Status SchoolParticipantsAward s ParticipantsAward s ParticipantsAwards Self taught2111 John G. Diefenbaker High School 15 Lester B. Pearson High School 1711 Sir Winston Churchill High School Western Canada High School Lord Beaverbrook High School 1076 James Fowler High School 67 Total
Iverson Exam 2012 mark distribution 4 questions, 10 marks each 3 parts in each question (2 marks, 3 marks, 5 marks) Department of Computer Science
Iverson Exam Timing? How to use it to enhance CS education at both high schools and U of C? Getting more high schools involved …
Outline Welcome Highlights of the year Iverson exam Participation Result Feedback Event reminders Department of Computer Science
High School Speaker’s Bureau u u The mission of this bureau is to engage our department in the high school computer science curricula development and to share our knowledge and exciting experience in computer science with high school students. Our faculty and staff members can deliver talks either in your classroom or on the U of C campus. New industry partners are added to the list. us: Department of Computer Science
CSEdWeek 2013 Time: Dec. 8 – 14, 2013 A sneak peek of the tour (still need to confirm with each lab and presenters): Department of Computer Science SeminarsWorkshopsDemos 9:00 – 9:30SecurityGamesLINDSAY, SurfNet, VMA, iLab, AI (robotics) Q&A 9:40 – 10:10NetworkingVirus 10:20 – 10:50Video motionProblem solving 11:00 – 11:30Virtual realitySecurity 11:40 – 12:10…… Students must sign up for particular seminars and workshops in advance.
Outreach Events U of C Fall Open House - Late October / Early November An opportunity for high school students and their parents to come to the campus to gather information about programs of interest to them, speak with faculty members and students to have their questions answered, tour the campus, etc. Spring Information Night - Typically in March Much like the open house, but on a smaller scale. Science, Engineering and Technology Challenge – May A Saturday event that brings together teams of 6 students (2 grade 9, 2 grade 10, 2 grade 11 on each team) to solve a collection of scientific problems in a race. Department of Computer Science
Outreach Events Explore IT – May The Explore IT conference is designed to increase girls' awareness of the opportunities in information and communications technologies (ICT), engineering, and the sciences. CEMC Seminar in CS for Young Women - May / June This event, run in conjunction with the Centre for Education in Mathematics and Computer Science at the University of Waterloo, brought 48 grade 9 and10 girls to U of C for a week long introduction to computer science. Minds in Motion Summer Camps - July / August The Minds in Motion summer camps are science and technology focused day camps run by the Faculty of Science and the School of Engineering. Department of Computer Science
Thank you!