F RENCH PERSPECTIVES ON EDUCATIONAL REPOSITORIES Digital Rural Schools Plan Resources Checks Catalog Plan Rosa María Gómez de Regil Henri Kighelman CNDP
P LAN Context elements Educational repositories containing free institutional resources Repositories containing commercial resources –Digital Rural Schools Catalog (ENR – École Numérique Rurale) –Digital Schools Checks Catalog (CCR – Catalogue Chèques Ressources) French Educational Repositories Perspectives 2
C ONTEXT E LEMENTS French Educational Repositories French Educational Repositories Perspectives 3
4 N ATIONAL ICT CONTEXT Priorities for education concerning ICT –Increase the use of ICT in education –Share and disseminate educational resources –Common base of knowledge and skills (knowledge, abilities, aptitudes) –Equal rights and opportunities policy –Deployment of virtual learning environments (ENT) –Digital textbooks experiment
CNDP National Center for Educational Documentation –Public institution working under the supervision of the French Ministry for National Education, Youth and Community Life –Head of the SCEREN network 31 regional centers (CRDP), 85 departmental centers (CDDP) and local centers (CLDP) French Educational Repositories Perspectives 5
CNDP MISSIONS Publish, produce and develop educational material (different media) Promote the use of ICT in schools Supply tools, advice and training for teachers Facilitate access to digital educational resources –interoperability, metadata & controlled vocabularies expertise French Educational Repositories Perspectives 6
R ESEARCH AND D EVELOPMENT P ROJECTS AND E XPERTISE P ROMOTION European projects –eTwinning community for schools in Europe –iTEC Innovative Technologies for an Engaging Classroom –ASPECT Adopting Standards and Specifications for Educational Content –EdReNe Educational Repositories Network French projects – Cité des savoirs educational uses analysis – Edutablettes educational uses of tablets – ENEIDE virtual learning environments – PPRE production of digital resources – AFNOR standardization body French Educational Repositories Perspectives 7
F REE INSTITUTIONAL RESOURCES Educational Repositories French Educational Repositories Perspectives 8
R ESOURCES S HARING S YSTEM French Educational Repositories Perspectives 9 Numéribase SCEREN repository system ScoLOMFR OAI/PMH ScoLOMFR OAI/PMH National RepositoryMoE Repository ScoLOMFR OAI/PMH
French Educational Repositories Perspectives 10 C OLLECTIONS OF RESOURCES Web based resources –educational scenario, lesson plans, exam topics, exercises –websites, office documents, images, videos Topics covered –Every topic of the French curriculum history, French language, foreign languages, ancient languages, mathematics, physics, natural sciences, technologies, music, economy, civic education, …) Language –French, regional languages, Spanish, German, English, Chinese Target audience –Teachers of primary and secondary school levels
É DUCASOURCES Digital educational resources metadata repository –chosen and validated by the Scérén network resources Functionalities –Search engine –Thematic selections in connection with educational programs French Educational Repositories Perspectives 11
C AREN Free digital resources published by the SCÉRÉN network resources Functionalities –Access by educational level –Search engine French Educational Repositories Perspectives 12
S IALLE Open source software for education resources Functionalities –Educational evaluations –Access by educational level /subject –Search engine French Educational Repositories Perspectives 13
P RIMTICE Digital educational scenarios for primary teachers 2006, 2009 (MoE) 1000 scenarios Functionalities –Primary school curriculum organization –Search engine French Educational Repositories Perspectives 14
E DUBASES 20 subject repositories of educational materials managed by the French Ministry of Education teaching scenarios (secondary school level) Functionalities –Access by educational Level and subjects of the educational curriculum –Each Edubase has its own structure and vocabularies French Educational Repositories Perspectives 15 des-usages-repertories-pour-les- enseignants.html
D IGITAL R URAL S CHOOLS P LAN Summary of the plan – –Budget : 67 million euros 1000 euros per school to acquire digital resources 9000 euros per school to acquire material : computers, IWB the town funds the internet infrastructure –6700 primary schools (villages with less than 2000 inhabitants) –32 publishers French Educational Repositories Perspectives 16
E DUCATIONAL S UBJECT - BASED P ORTALS French Educational Repositories Perspectives 17 Subject based portals 2011(MoE) Functionalities –Secondary school curriculum organization –Search engine –Use of existing metadata records
C OMMERCIAL RESOURCES Educational Repositories / Catalogs French Educational Repositories Perspectives 18
C OMMERCIAL RESOURCES D IGITAL R URAL S CHOOLS (ENR) Educational Repositories / Catalogs French Educational Repositories Perspectives 19
D IGITAL R URAL S CHOOLS P LAN Constituents –Material facilities and security FAQ on digital infrastructures and services –Training and support Vendors and teachers –Educational uses development Educational scenarios –Digital educational resources Digital catalog Actors –Ministry of Education (funds and command the plan) –CNDP (realize the digital resources catalog) –Private and public publishers (make the digital resources offer) –Rural Schools (organize the projects in schools) French Educational Repositories Perspectives 20
D IGITAL R URAL S CHOOLS P LAN Summary of the plan – –Budget : 67 million euros 1000 euros per school to acquire digital resources 9000 euros per school to acquire material : computers, IWB the town funds the internet infrastructure –6700 primary schools (villages with less than 2000 inhabitants) –32 educational publishers French Educational Repositories Perspectives 21
French Educational Repositories Perspectives 22
D IGITAL R URAL S CHOOLS C ATALOG 550 digital resources for primary school –digital textbooks –certified resources –support for teachers Organization and access conforming to the primary school level curriculum Target users : teachers at rural schools French Educational Repositories Perspectives 23
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D IGITAL R URAL S CHOOLS C ATALOG R OLES School –Catalog access –Registration & Authentication –Order placement –Resources use –Educational scenarios production French Educational Repositories Perspectives 26 MoE - CNDP –Catalog & commercial platform development –Resources cataloguing validation –Users management –Budget, orders, payment, management –Users support Publisher –Resources cataloguing –Order validation –Resource mailing
C OMMERCIAL RESOURCES D IGITAL S CHOOLS C HECKS (CCR) Educational Repositories / Catalogs French Educational Repositories Perspectives 27
D IGITAL S CHOOLS P LAN The plan for the development of the uses of ICT in education is aiming at 5 objectives: 1.Facilitating the access to available digital quality material for educational teams, by the means of a national portal and dedicated funding. 2.Training and supporting teachers in schools to integrate digital tools in their pedagogy. 3.Generalizing digital services to open schools to the outside world. 4.Reaffirming the partnership with local communities organizing a call for projects to provide the best conditions for the development of the uses of ICT. 5.Training pupils to the responsible use of information and communication technologies. French Educational Repositories Perspectives 28
D IGITAL S CHOOLS P LAN Actors –Ministry of Education (funds and command the plan) –Local authorities –CNDP (realize the digital resources check catalog & commercial platform) –Private and public publishers (make the digital resources offer) –Schools (organize the projects in schools) French Educational Repositories Perspectives 29
D IGITAL S CHOOLS P LAN - C ATALOG Characteristics –2011 – 2013 –Budget : million euros – 13 Academies (regions) million euros million euros – resources expected –55 educational publishers French Educational Repositories Perspectives 30
French Educational Repositories Perspectives 31
R ESOURCES C ATALOG digital resources for all school levels –digital textbooks –educational multimedia –reference material –tutoring material Organization and access conforming to the curriculum –educational levels –subjects Target users : teachers & learners French Educational Repositories Perspectives 32
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French Educational Repositories Perspectives 36 C ONTACT INFORMATION Henri Kighelman CNDP Deputy Director Rosa Maria Gómez de Regil Research and Development Engineer SCÉRÉN - avenue du Futuroscope - Téléport 1 BP Futuroscope cedex FRANCE