Healthy Dieting Титаренко Светлана Владимировна МОУ Дракинская СОШ Лискинский район Воронежская область
Содержание 1.1.Работа над лексикой (найди синонимы) 2.2.Заполни пробелы словами из лекции 3.3.Схема «Сбалансированное питание» 4.4.Группы продуктов 5.5.Белки 66.Жиры 7.7.Углеводы 8.8. Клетчатка 9.9.Ежедневное питание 1010.Полезная и неполезная пища Чтобы быть здоровым 1212.Список литературы
Find the words with similar meaning healthy obese a disease exercising low-fat activity snack skip high-fat eating between meals to do sports to miss the meal to be overweight an illness inactive having good health
Complete with the necessary words In order to stay__ it is important to have a balanced __.In other words you should eat something from 3 main groups of food - __,__, __. You find protein in lots of food, for example __,__,__,__. It helps your body __ and be __ and gives you __. Fat gives you __ but don’t eat a lot- it’s bad for you. Fatty foods are __,__,__ and__. Carbohydrates give you more than 70% of your __. Bread,__, __, fruits and vegetables such as __ and__ all contain lots of carbohydrates. Fruits, vegetables, __ and __, brown __ all have fiber. It fills your stomach. There are many __ and __. They help your body be healthy. You can get them from fruit and vegetables.
Balanced Dieting Protein fat carbohydrates fiber vitamins minerals Meat milk bread vegetables Fish butter pasta Fruit Nuts meat cereals nuts Milk cheese fruit beans Give energy fill stomach Help body grow help be healthy
There are _ main groups of food.
You can find protein in __.
You can find fat in _.
You can find carbohydrates in _.
You can find fiber in _.
How many kilojoules should there be in the daily diet? Count 1gm carbohydrate=17kj energy 1gm protein=17kj energy 1gm fat=38kj
Choose healthy and unhealthy food
To be healthy you must (choose correct items) do regular exercises overeat smoke be physically inactive eat whole meal bread eat more sweets have balanced dieting drink alcohol skip breakfast snack between meals eat more fruits and vegetables sleep too much sleep too little not have junk food for lunch
Список литературы Кузовлев В.П.,English,9 классМосква, Просвещение, 2006 г. Рабочая тетрадь к учебнику для 9 классаЭнергетическая_цен- ность