Education in the Czech Republic
Czech Republic The Czech Republic is a country in Central Europe that borders Poland to the North, Germany to the northwest and west, Austria to the south, and Slovakia to the East
The Czech Republic’s Education System Children in the Czech republic are required to attend school from the age of 6 until the age of 16. The school year begins on September 1 st and ends on June 31 st. Classes usually take 45 minutes and are followed by a 5 or 10 minute break.
School Structure School’s in the Czech Republic are divided in the following way: Creeches – for children up to the age of 3 Kindergarten – for children from 3 to 6 years old Elementary School – for children from 6 to 10 years old Secondary School – for children from 10 to 14 years old High School – for children from years old Universities – No age limit
Government and Finance of Education The Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports has control over the educational school system. Schools are funded by the state budget from the Ministry of Education, Youth, and Sports. There are also private schools funded by private owners.
Curriculum – Early Years The curriculum in the Czech Republic consists of these major subjects: Czech Language and Literature, the fundamentals of Geography and Geology, fundamentals of Natural Sciences, Mathematics, Physical Education, Musical Education, Work Education, Art.
Curriculum – Later Years In the later years, the curriculum consists of more subjects, such as Foreign language, Civic education, History, Biology, Physics, and Chemistry.
Standards of Performance Students in the Czech Republic are promoted from year to year depending upon their performance on oral and written examinations that are developed by individual teachers. Graduation from school also is dependent upon a final examination. Admission into secondary schools are dependent upon written exam scores, as well as past academic history.
Standards of Performance Cont. In the younger years, students must usually take notes from each lecture. Little written homework and few projects are assigned.
Higher Education Students can enroll in three-year courses to obtain a Bachelor’s Degree at a University. Students can enroll in four or five-year courses to obtain a Master’s Degree at a University. Students can enroll in six-year courses to obtain a Medical Degree at a University. A diploma is awarded after a state exam and written thesis are both passed.