Physics 207 Energy and Climate Change
Instructor:DanielHolland Instructor:DanielHolland Web page: Web page: Office:Moulton 313C or Hovey 408 Office:Moulton 313C or Hovey 408 Phone: or Phone: or Office Hours TR or by appointment Office Hours TR or by appointment Course Times: TR A in MLT 210 Course Times: TR A in MLT 210 Optional Text: Wolfson:Energy, Environment and Climate Optional Text: Wolfson:Energy, Environment and Climate
Other Books: Ristinen and Kraushaar, Energy and the Environment Overall a very nice book, but not as detailed as Hinrichs and Kleinbach. I have used this book in the past. Priest, Energy, Principles, Problems, AlternativesAnother very nice but fairly elementary book. We used it in the old Physics 100 course. Schobert, Energy and SocietyA really nice book that seems to cover the material from a historical perspective. Gonick and Huffman The Cartoon Guide to Physics Nice review of basic physics in comic book form. The physics is excellent and easy to understand.
COURSE GRADING: COURSE GRADING: As an incentive to actually come to class, we will be using the Turning Point clicker system. You will get classroom participation points for answering the questions. You get 2 points for having your clicker in class and actually answering the questions. If you forgot your clicker on a given day, I have a sign up sheet for after class and you will get 1 point for that day. As an incentive to actually come to class, we will be using the Turning Point clicker system. You will get classroom participation points for answering the questions. You get 2 points for having your clicker in class and actually answering the questions. If you forgot your clicker on a given day, I have a sign up sheet for after class and you will get 1 point for that day. You will also have weekly homework assignments that are to be turned in on Thursday. The assignments will be posted on the web page for the course. Solutions to the homework will be posted after the due date. You will also have weekly homework assignments that are to be turned in on Thursday. The assignments will be posted on the web page for the course. Solutions to the homework will be posted after the due date. You will write a 5-7 page research paper dealing with a topic related to class material. The goal is to synthesize the material and defend (or not) the idea. Some suggestions would be hydraulic fracking, wind energy, clean coal energy, oil from tar sand, mountain top removal, nuclear energy, etc. You will write a 5-7 page research paper dealing with a topic related to class material. The goal is to synthesize the material and defend (or not) the idea. Some suggestions would be hydraulic fracking, wind energy, clean coal energy, oil from tar sand, mountain top removal, nuclear energy, etc.
There will be three hour long exams (including the non-comprehensive final exam). There will be three hour long exams (including the non-comprehensive final exam). –Hour Exams (3at 23%) 65% –Classroom participation10% –Homework 15% –Paper10% –Total100% A typical exam will test for both conceptual understanding and problem solving ability. They WILL NOT be scantron exams. Make-up exams will only be given in cases of excused absences due to illness, serious illness or death in your immediate family, or other significant reasons. A typical exam will test for both conceptual understanding and problem solving ability. They WILL NOT be scantron exams. Make-up exams will only be given in cases of excused absences due to illness, serious illness or death in your immediate family, or other significant reasons.
Letter grades are not assigned on an individual exam, but will be determined at the end of the course when all scores are in. There are no hard and fast letter grade boundaries (i.e. I do not grade on a strict percentage basis) nor is there a statistical formula used to determine grade boundaries (i.e. I do not grade on a curve). Instead, statistics are used as a guide to determine underlying standards. When needed, factors such as class participation, improvement, industriousness, etc. may be used in borderline cases. Statistics will be given on each exam so that you may estimate where you stand in relation to the rest of the class. Letter grades are not assigned on an individual exam, but will be determined at the end of the course when all scores are in. There are no hard and fast letter grade boundaries (i.e. I do not grade on a strict percentage basis) nor is there a statistical formula used to determine grade boundaries (i.e. I do not grade on a curve). Instead, statistics are used as a guide to determine underlying standards. When needed, factors such as class participation, improvement, industriousness, etc. may be used in borderline cases. Statistics will be given on each exam so that you may estimate where you stand in relation to the rest of the class.
General Comments I really like question and or discussion in class. I really like question and or discussion in class. I am always happy to shift directions provided that we stay within the area of energy. I am always happy to shift directions provided that we stay within the area of energy. Provided that I am around, I am always willing to talk with you outside of class. Provided that I am around, I am always willing to talk with you outside of class.
Clicker Information dex.htm dex.htm dex.htm dex.htm
Why are you taking this course 1. Required for major 2. Interested in the subject 3. Need an Outer Core Gen Ed class and this fits my schedule 4. Other
What is the highest level of Math you have taken? 1. Algebra 1 2. Algebra 2 3. Trigonometry 4. Pre-calculus 5. Calculus 6. Other
Have you ever taken a physics course before? 1. Yes 2. No
What do you believe is true about climate change 1. It is not really happening. 2. It is happening, but it is a natural process 3. It is happening and the major driver is human activity
Should the government subsidize any type of energy? 1. Yes 2. No
What is your opinion about nuclear power? 1. We should eliminate all nuclear reactors and never build more. 2. We are using about the right amount of nuclear power now 3. We should build more nuclear plants ASAP
Did you have a different opinion before the problems in Japan? 1. Yes 2. No
What is your opinion about using coal in the US. 1. It is a highly polluting energy source and its should be minimized. 2. The US has a lot of coal and should exploit it to the fullest extent possible to reduce our reliance on foreign energy. 3. It is one of many source of energy in a balanced approach to meeting our needs.
What do you think about wind power? 1. We should supply as much of the US energy as possible using wind power. 2. We should supply no more than 10-20% of the US power using wind 3. Wind will never make a large contribution to the US energy needs
What do you think about alcohol as a fuel? 1. You barely get as much energy out as you use to create it so why bother? 2. It is a great, low pollution form of fuel so we should use more. 3. The disruption it causes to the global food market make it untenable. 4. Other.
What do you think about hydrolic fracking? 1. It is a good thing that reduces our dependence on foreign energy and reduces greenhouse emissions 2. It is a terrible thing that causes birth defects and huge amounts of pollution. 3. Undecided
What do you think about the comment: “All citizens of the world should be allowed to use as much energy as they can pay for.” 1. I agree 2. I disagree 3. I abstain
Should you be allowed to install any type of alternative energy production devices on you property? (e.g. solar cells, wind turbines, methane generator.) 1. Yes 2. No 3. It really depends on the device. 4. Abstain
Environmental issues should take precedent over development of potential energy resources. 1. I agree 2. I disagree 3. Abstain
All citizens of the world should have the right to own and operate as many cars and trucks as they can afford, regardless of their fuel efficiency 1. Yes 2. No 3. Abstain