The vision began with a desire to tell the children about Jesus
The little Bible School of Sora It began with faith and lots of prayer
Jesus said: ‘Let the children come...’ To meet Jesus Christ…
Let the children come... To study His Word...
Let the children come... To receive the best gift in the world...
Let the children come... To believe and grow in their faith…
They did lots of activities… Fun and healthy things…
They did lots of activities… Many fun things that they like and they learned…
They first worked in open air…
Working under the trees…
Learning about Christ and more... How to do crafts and to praise God, too…
They talked about Jesus at home... Until the church was ‘born’ with the first baptisms and confirmations...
They studied the Bible a lot... And many became new members of the church…
The church was ‘built’ thanks to the blessing of God... With the help of local volunteers and friends abroad…
The building was an ‘event’... Helpers of all ages put their hands to the work…
The building was an ‘event’... Little by little the church took shape and was built up, just like the people were built up…
The building was an ‘event’... Little by little the church took shape and was built up, just like the people were built up…
And it was finally finished... God blessed the building and it was dedicated to His glory…
And God added to their number… Through new confirmations
And God added to their number… Through many baptisms, too…
We had many great events… Christmas celebrations...
The children lift their voices… Praising His Holy name…
They come to learn about Jesus… With the VBS program…
And they explore His creation… Outings with the youth…
They love to compete in soccer… Soccer tournaments…we won!
Another challenge came along… Build the Escuelita with the help of everyone…
The dream of building an Escuelita It had the help of everyone as volunteers!!!
Everyone met the challenge… Young and old, everyone had a job to do...
They came to ‘own’ the project… Grandfathers and pastors had jobs, too...
Until it was finally done!!! It was a great job by all the members of the church!
The kids were soooo happy!
Dedicated to God’s glory in Sora
We keep on serving the Lord… In many ways…
We keep on serving the Lord… In many ways with joy and gladness…dramas!
We keep on serving the Lord… In many ways with joy and gladness…dancing!
We keep on serving the Lord… In many ways with joy and gladness…singing!
We keep on serving the Lord In many ways with joy and gladness…growing in numbers!
We continue the ministry today… Baptizing the children that come through the Escuelita ministry…
We continue the ministry today… Preaching and teaching, the children are growing up!
We continue the ministry today… Bringing families together for special events like Father’s Day…
We continue the ministry today… Sharing the blessings that the Lord has given to us…
We continue the ministry today… Feeding the body as well as the soul…
We continue the ministry today… Working together to share the Gospel and also to maintain the church…
We continue the ministry today… Always learning new things about God and celebrating Him in our lives…
We continue the ministry today… Celebrating God’s love for us, and especially for the children of Sora…
We continue the ministry today… Always seeking to lift high the cross and glorify Jesus…
We continue the ministry today… They are really happy to know that they always have a friend in Jesus…
We continue the ministry today… And we have lots of helpers to work in the church and Escuelita…
We continue the ministry today… Sharing the love of Christ with all those we encounter along the way…
Celebrating ten years serving the community of Sora
We want to give thanks to… All of our members, who ARE the Body of Christ…
We want to give thanks to… Pastor Paul, Paul Jr. and the family of St. Paul Westport…
We want to give thanks for… A pastoral candidate and hopefully a new pastor for our church…
And more than anything, we want to thank Jesus for His blessings. ‘Now you are the body of Christ, and each one of you is a part of it.’ 1 Cor. 12:27