Reflection: What is it? Reflection occurs when light bounces off an object. Reflection allow our eyes to see the world around us!


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Presentation transcript:

Reflection: What is it? Reflection occurs when light bounces off an object. Reflection allow our eyes to see the world around us!

Laws of Reflection The angle of incidence is equal to the angle of reflection The incident ray, the reflected ray, and the normal line all lie in the same plane. Paths of light rays are reversible.

Ray Diagrams A “light ray” is a line and arrow representing the direction and straight-line path of light. Combinations of light rays can be used to construct a “ray diagram”. Such ray diagrams describe the behaviour of light in a certain circumstance (e.g. Being emitted from a light bulb, reflected off a mirror, or refracted into water)

Reflection: surfaces Smooth surfaces create a mirror-like effect called “Spectacular reflection”:

Reflection off rough surfaces Diffuse reflection results from the reflection of light off an irregular surface.

Reflection: surfaces Reflection is how we see the world Example of laser: can’t see it until use dust! Examine light ray diagrams of smooth and rough surfaces: All individual incident rays will still follow the laws of reflection

Images in Mirrors The image you see in the mirror isn’t real.... It’s “VIRTUAL”! How far away does the “virtual” you appear to be compared to the real you and the mirror? Try creating a light ray diagram of yourself looking in the mirror.