Tilden Community Center Hastings Community Education Ann and Bill Sylvander, Senior Center Program Members and Volunteer Coordinators of the Display Case A Year of the Display Case
Do you remember the old Burma Shave Signs? Bill Sylvander has hung a version of these in one of the hallways at Tilden. (With the lighting, they don’t photograph well).
Here’s what they say… Just when you think you’ve seen it all Keep on walking down this hall Make a right ahead slow down your pace Now take a look into the case If this were a museum you would have to pay To take a look at that display This one’s free whenever you enter The Tilden building Community Center
Learning about the display Monthly, Ann and Bill, along with the display contributor, explain the collection to participants in the Lifeworks program. This year, the Sylvanders were also invited to an elementary school group where they brought some of the items they collect. They also encouraged young people to become collectors themselves.
Where’s yours? From the beginning, Ann and Bill have been clear that their goal is for community members to share their own collections in the display case. That’s your summer assignment— if you have a collection, contact us at so the Sylvanders can make arrangements for your collection to be in the Tilden display case during an upcoming month!