RRL structural changes April 2015 Harris Hudson Database Specialist AP Tune up 4 th March 2015
Presentation summary >Overview of RRL changes >Overview of Major table changes >Details of some table changes >Outstanding Issues
Overview of RRL Changes >Daily CSV zip files extract of data from; >Radcom (Broadcast licences) – existing zip files >Spectra (Apparatus & Spectrum licences) - new zip file >Daily delta diff files wont be provided (only full extract) >Format of zip will be CSV – DBF format wont be provided
Presentation summary >Overview of RRL changes >Overview of Major table changes >Details of some table changes >Outstanding Issues
Overview of Major table changes >Moving from existing structure; >29 normalised tables (Radcom structures) >2 de-normalised tables >Moving to; >16 tables (combination of normalised/de-normalised tables) >Tables have a Transformed/Extracted structure (not Spectra structure)
Presentation summary >Overview of RRL changes >Overview of Major table changes >Details of some table changes >Outstanding Issues
Details of some table changes >Reference Tables >Client >Licence >Site >Antenna >Device Details (Technical records) >Special Conditions and Advisory Notes (Text blocks)
Reference Tables >LICENCE_SERVICE >Replaces Licence_type >LICENCE_SUBSERVICE >Replaces Licence_sub_type >LICENCE_STATUS >TBA
Client >Added ABN
Licence >LICENCE_NO now Character datatype (not numeric) >Contains licence number with version numbers >SV_ID Licence Service >Also de-normalised in LICENCE_TYPE_NAME >SS_ID Licence Sub Service >Also de-normalised in LICENCE_CATEGORY_NAME >New STATUS codes and STATUS_TEXT values >Callsign field removed (now captured at Device level) >Replaces LICENCE and LICSING tables. >(Although not all de-normalised fields from LICSING included)
Site >SITE_ID now Character datatype >LATITUDE and LONGITUDE will be in GDA94 datum (not AGD66) >ZONE, EASTING, NORTHING omitted
Antenna >ANTENNA_ID now Character datatype >BAND field replaced with frequency range; >BAND_MIN_FREQ, BAND_MAX_FREQ * >ANTENNA_PATTERN new table for antenna RPE’s * >* - Not all populated at go live
Device Details (Technical Records) >Summary of Major changes of DEVICE_DETAILS >Includes Spectrum Licence and Apparatus Licence technical records >Replaces SPECTRUM_ACCESS, DEVICE_ACCESS and DEVICE tables >And replaces de-normalised ASSIGN table >Although not all de-normalised ASSIGN fields are captured, eg; Site Lat/Long, Licencee etc, not included
Device Details - continued >Non persistent primary key; >SDD_ID – actual primary key but may vary between extracts >Persistent lookup keys; >DEVICE_REGISTRATION_IDENTIFIER for Spectrum licence technical records (eg, where SV_ID = 85 (Spectrum)) >EFL_ID or EFL_FREQ_ID for Apparatus licence technical records (eg, where SV_ID != 85) >Reference keys; >FORMER_DEVICE_IDENTIFIER is Radcom ACCESS_ID – DEVICE_ID
Device Details – continued >Some perhaps not so obvious fields; >EFL_SYSTEM – records having the same EFL_SYSTEM are part of the one system. Replaces ASSIGN.LINK_ID >RELATED_EFL_ID – indicates a related technical record for a transmitter/receiver pair in a point to point link. Allows the joining of devices/equipment that had common ACCESS_ID/Frequency in Radcom. >AREA_DESCRIPTON – is the Coverage literal. De-normalised representation replacement of COVGRP table >Included for future use (may be omitted); >ASSESSMENT_TYPE, EQ_FREQ_RANGE_MIN, EQ_FREQ_RANGE_MAX
Device Details – continued >CALLSIGN’s >Apparatus licence callsigns are captured at the technical details level not at the licence level. To determine the callsign for a licence join the LICENCE table to the DEVICE_DETAILS table using the LICENCE_NO as the joining key
Special Conditions and Advisory Notes – text blocks >APPLIC_TEXT_BLOCK is a de-normalised representation of Special Conditions and Advisory Notes for both; >Licence Level (LICENCE) >Technical records level (DEVICE_DETAILS) >Replaces several tables; TEXT, LIUSRTXT, ACUSRTXT, LISPCOND, SASPCOND >Includes predefined text codes (APTB_ITEM)
Special Conditions and Advisory Notes – continued >To determine for a licence; >Join on the LICENCE.LICENCE_NO to APPLIC_TEXT_BLOCK.LICENCE_NO where the APTB_TABLE_PREFIX=‘LI’ >To determine for a technical record; >Join on the DEVICE_DETAILS.EFL_ID to APPLIC_TEXT_BLOCK.APTB_TABLE_ID where the APTB_TABLE_PREFIX=‘F’
Presentation summary >Overview of RRL changes >Overview of Major table changes >Details of some table changes >Outstanding Issues
Outstanding Issues >Date Format fields changing/under review >Carrier Frequency currently unpopulated >Site Effective Radius currently unpopulated and may be captured at Device Level >Satellite Data not yet provided >Licence Status Reference table not yet provided