Rebekah Bence Girls Athletic Coordinator Please direct questions or concerns to or
General Policies Develop athletes’ overall education and prepare them for their high school careers. Scholastic achievement Benefit of hard work Teamwork Sportsmanship Respect for others Physical fitness Appreciation of sports and general athletics Athletics is a privilege; therefore, high standards are expected 2
Girls Sports Offered: Volleyball Basketball Cross Country Track Soccer 3
Admission to Games Adults - $4.00 Students- $2.00 ( All students with their school ID get in free to their campus games only. ATHLETIC PASSES Adults - $50.00 Students - $25.00 Senior Citizen Gold Card (65yrs. +) – FREE & NEVER EXPIRES!! Passes can be purchased at the FISD Athletic Office.
Outside Sports & Activities We encourage our athletes to play as many sports as possible We will do our best to accommodate conflicts Scoggins Athletics should have top priority over all outside sports including, but not limited to: club soccer, AAU, softball, etc. If an athlete misses practice for an outside sport, she may have reduced playing time. 5
Eligibility Athletes must maintain a 70% in all classes to participate Athletes who fail to pass two consecutive six week periods may be removed from program. Athletes are encouraged to attend tutorials for classes in which they are struggling 6
Tutorials We encourage all athletes to get the help they need in all their classes. However, in order to hold practice with the least amount of interruptions & distractions we ask that athletes attend tutorials in the morning as much as possible. We understand that some circumstances may make this impossible and will accommodate the athlete as this occurs, but ask that all athletes make this a priority. A note from the teacher or a parent is needed for an athlete to attend tutorials in the afternoon. 7
Grading Participation, attitude, work ethic, compliance with policies constitute 100% of the six weeks grade Athletes must be on time and suited out for workout, even if injured Attendance at practices and games is mandatory, even if injured 8
Expectations Girls will be given two shirts and one pair of shorts for workout clothes and one set of navy blue sweats during the school year. Athletes will take these clothes home to wash. Coaches will wash team uniforms at school. Athletes will be expected to dress in this attire for practices daily, and responsible for turning it in to the coaches at the end of the year. Athletic gear will not be worn outside of school. Cost for lost or damaged athletic gear: Workout clothes are $10.00 a piece. Navy Sweats are $25.00 a piece. Bags are $15.00 each. Laundry belts are $5.00 each
Expectations Girls will be expected to dress out everyday, even due to an injury. Hair needs to be pulled back and no make-up. Shirts tucked in No jewelry allowed Girls are not allowed by UIL to wear jewelry during practices and competitions. If an athlete has recently pierced her ears, the earrings will have to be removed before she will be allowed to participate in practices or events.
Expectations All Lady Seahawk athletes are expected to demonstrate sportsmanlike conduct and loyalty to their team in any athletic competition and practice. When other teams are playing, Lady Seahawk teams are expected to sit together in the assigned area until they are to take the court. A, B, and C teams are expected to watch and support one another at all home games.
Conduct Athletes are held to a higher standard than rest of school- role models for all Should exhibit acceptable and proper conduct in the school and the community as they are representatives of the school and athletic program Student-athletes who exhibit unacceptable behavior in or out of the classroom may be placed on a behavior contract or removed from the program. A parent meeting will be requested. 12
Locker Room, Equipment, & Theft Issued equipment stays at school unless instructed otherwise Athlete’s are responsible of taking care of her equipment Locker is LOCKED at all times with all personal belongings Locker Organization Electronic devices- bring at your own risk Periodic locker checks will be done 13
Locker Room, Equipment, & Theft continued Locker Room is expected to stay clean & clear of equipment Helps combat MRSA/Staph infection Cleanliness is the key!!! Theft will not be tolerated and is grounds for removal from program 14
Participation & Attendance Attendance is mandatory; skipping is not allowed Practice will take place after school Notify head coach of sport, or Athletic Coordinator, if absence is inevitable (phone/ ) Phone
Attendance Continued Injuries- Parent note needed to be excused from workout If an athlete is unable to work out for more than 3 days in a row, a doctor’s note will be required Trainer- Joseph White, Liberty HS If Coaches deem injury serious we will send athlete to be seen by the trainer He is trained to treat athletic injuries The trainer will not see an athlete if the injury occurred outside of school. 16
Game Day Attendance- be at school on game day Special circumstances (i.e. funeral, religious ceremony, etc.) need to be brought to the attention of the Athletic Coordinator before the absence occurs. Game Day Dress Look, Act, Play Professionally Home Games – dress up Away games – jeans and team shirt Team t-shirt orders (about $10) need parent volunteer to handle money. 17
Bus Transportation Provided to away games Coaches will have a sign out sheet at every event, and girls will need to be signed out at every game. Players may leave only for emergencies. All girls are expected to stay and support all 3 teams, demonstrating unity and loyalty to the team. Homework will be done in stands. If anyone other than yourself is taking your daughter home, you will need to provide a written note, or , stating who your child is going to ride home with, and that person will then be responsible for signing your daughter out. This note needs to be given to the coaching staff by 8:30 a.m. the day of the event. 18
Athlete Pick-Up Please pick your child up after practice and games in the back by the gym area. We will always have a coach waiting with them at this spot. Athlete may be removed from program for consistent late pick-ups (more than 15 minutes after conclusion of practice or game).
Physicals All athletes must have all forms on file before they can participate ALL 7 th & 8 th graders MUST have a new physical on file annually. Incoming 7 th & 8 th graders MUST update all other forms online. Please print the physical form, take to your physician to fill out and then give the physical to Coach Bence. Volleyball players must have this turned in by the first day of school. Girls can have a physical done by their own doctor, but it will need to be filled out on FISD/UIL physical form. 20
Making the team for Volleyball Tryouts will begin on Monday, Aug. 26th – Thursday, Aug. 29 th, and Friday (during the athletic period only). Tryouts will be held during the athletic period and after school until 5:00pm Teams will be posted on Friday, August 31st at 3:35pm in the girls’ locker room. No practice on Fridays after school.
Athlete/Parent Concerns Please use the flow chart below to bring concerns to our attention. Athlete/ParentTeam CoachHead CoachCoordinator 22