LNG Storage Allocations in an Emergency Heather Lockyer – National Grid LNG Storage
Existing UNC Z6.7.1 states that during an Emergency… …notwithstanding Users' Nominations in respect of such Day … the aggregate quantity withdrawn on such Day will be apportioned between Users in the proportions in which they have gas-in-storage on such Day. Possibly leading to (when the NEC requests flows are reduced) ….. Users with no nomination allocated gas Users with nominations allocated less than expected
Proposed Change Retain existing rules for increase in flow For reduction in flow: Allocate according to nominations up to point when Emergency Instruction takes effect e.g. User noms 24 units from 06:00 and then 60 from 12:00, Emergency Instruction to stop flowing at 18:00. Flow 1/hour for 6 hours (06:00 – 12:00) 3/hour for 6 hours (12:00 – 18:00) => Allocation = 24
Proposed Change cont.. If requested to continue flowing after Emergency Instruction (at reduced rate) could allocate: Pro-rata using existing latest noms Pro-rata flows using booked deliverability (as for CLNG) Pro-rata using stock levels