La Ciudad De Mexico Mexico City Then and Now
Current Map of Mexico D. F. Mexico City is the Capital of Mexico D.F.
The Original Mexico City
The Original Mexico City In 1325 the Aztecs (A.K.A. the Mexica) founded Mexico City. Until 1521, Tenochtitlan grew in size and strength. They had more power than any of the other city states. When the Spaniards finally invaded, the Aztec Empire had grown from the Gulf of Mexico all the way to the Pacific Ocean. Tenochtitlan covered about 10 square km It was on the western side of Lake Texcoco The city, like Italy was interlaced with canals
Aztecan Mexico City The early agriculture of the Mexica was way beyond their time. They created incredible levees and aqueducts and they traveled by canoe or horse. The City was divided into four zones, each zone into twenty districts, each district crossed by streets. There were three main streets, each leading to one of the causeways to the mainland. City centers contained public buildings, temples, schools and markets. “The city had a great symmetry. All constructions had to be approved by the calmimilocatl, a functionary in charge of the city planning.”
Tenochtitlan looking east from the shore of Lake Texcoco An Island like Italy
The New Mexico City
The New Mexico City (1519-1821) (The Spaniard Mexico City)
How did the Spanish invade Mexico? The Spanish came into Meso-America in February 1519. The Spanish fleet was commanded by Hernan Cortes and Xicotencatl the Younger. They entered into Tenochtitlan and arrested Montezuma. The Spanish wanted to gain power over one of the largest cities in the world. August 13, 1521, Cortes gained control of Tenochtitlan and other surrounding territories. Tenochtitlan was renamed Mexico and became the capital of the Cortes’ new empire named Viceroyalty of New Spain.
Model of the temple district of Tenochtitlan at the National Museum of Anthropology.
The Population of the Spaniard Mexico City: In 1519 the population of Tenochtitlan was between 350,000 and 500,000
Urban Changes after the Spaniards invaded: Cortes directed destruction and leveling of the city and rebuilt specifically for Spanish benefit. Spanish preserved Tenochtitlan’s basic layout Spaniards built Catholic Churches over Aztec temples. Kept the imperial palaces for themselves.
Remaining Aztec ruins in Mexico City today: The Templo Mayor: excavated in the 1970’s -Small portion is open to visitors. Mexico City’s Zocalo, the Plaza de la Constitucion. Tenochtitlan’s original central plaza and market. Original calazadas (highways or roadways) correspond to modern streets in the city.
Scale model of the Templo Mayor of Tenochtitlan. It was 330 by 260 ft.
Current Mexico City
How has Mexico changed since 1519? Mexico was originally a swampy area where the Aztec people lived also referred to as the Mexica. The aztecs spread and converted the swampy area into a more city like land for the population growth, their first city was called Tenochtitlan. Over time a twin city developed called Tlatelolco. The Spaniards, lead by Herman Cortes took over in 1521 and began to destroy the Aztec cities. Coretes ordered to build a newer city over the old one. Where the old site was, built by the aztecs was more popular and attracted more Spaniards and native people. In 1524 Coretes recognized the old city as the capital known as Mexico-Tenochtitlan. It slowly and gradually became a a gridded city, with streets that lead to the central plaza.
Why has it grown so much? The reason that most cities grow: massive population. The population is always growing and this new land attracted people from other countries like Asia, Europe and the slaves from Africa. The most dramatic growth occurred during the 18th century when buildings were beginning to be built high in the sky, roads and highways as well.
What were the economic conditions that lead up to it? Economically, Mexico is a place with multiple resources so trade became a huge part of why many people were attracted to it. The Spanish-enslaved Africans were used for farming and producing agriculture to trade because Mexico has access to both the Pacific and Atlantic oceans.
How does the city accommodate so many people? We have to remember that Mexico use to be a lake/swap, a very large body of water and people just built over it and they had to deal with seasonal floods for years. Land is built on to provide for all these people. Tall buildings and roads to get to where they need to go, large churches, schools and stores are all there for them.
Is Mexico City Overwhelmed? I believe that they are overwhelmed now because Mexico has a small law protecting land that is not be built over. Most of Mexico is now populated and is currently all about attracting tourism and they are forgetting about the environment.
Citations The Original Mexico City Map: Main Author: Ruscelli, Girolamo Title/Description: Nueva Hispania Tabula Nova Publication Info: Venice: Girolama Rusceilli, 1561 Date: 1561 Scale: 1:19,000,000 Original Source: W. S. Hoole Special Collections Library The new Mexico City Map: Main Author: Covens & Mortier Title/Description: Mexique ou Nouvelle Espagne Publication Info: Amsterdam: Covens & Mortier, c.1740 Date: 1740 Scale: 1:10,069,000 Original Source: Courtesy of Murray Hudson, Halls, Tennessee The current Mexico City Map: "HIstorical Maps of Mexico." Http:// University of Alabama. Web. <>.
Citations "Mexico City." Mexico City. Columbia Encyclopedia. Web. 13 Oct. 2009. <>. Schwaller, John F. "History 1450-1789: Mexico City." History 1450-1789: Mexico City. Web. 13 Oct. 2009. "Mexico City." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 18 Oct. 2009. <>. "Mexico City." Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Web. 18 Oct. 2009. <>.