Some Key Findings From BPCS Baseline Survey Broadening Participation through Civil Society (BPCS) Program
BASELINE SAMPLING Total Sample Respondent= 5000 A multi-stage cluster sampling was designed based on Population Proportionate to Size (PPS) Northern Region: Dahuk= 169 Erbil= 242 Sulaymaniyah=282 Ninawa=491 Anbar=234 Sala ad Din=211 Kirkuk=208 Central Region:Babel= 272 Diyala= 216 Karbala= 160, Najaf= 193 Wasit= 183 Baghdad= 1058 Southern Region:Basra=380 Maysan= 148 Muthanna=108 Qadisiya= 170 Dhi Qar= 275 Male = 65% (3250); Female= 35% (1750)
DEMOGRAPHICS Respondent’s AgePercentage 18 – 2425% 25 – 3124% 32 – 3817% 39 – 5222% 53+12% EducationPercentage Never went school10% Primary school18% Junior high school19% Senior high school21% University/Academy32% EthnicityPercentage Arab77% Kurd19% Turkmen3% Assyrian1% Vulnerable GroupPercentage Widows4% Female Headed15% Ethnic/Religious group2% Other34% Refused10% Do not know35%
LOCAL NEWS/INFORMATION SOURCE People say sources most likely they get local news and information Source Percentage 1 st choice2 nd choice3 rd choice Newspaper 7% 12% Radio 5%22%13% Television 73%18%4% Internet 9%18%9% SMS 0%3%4% Rumors/Public places 3%20%26% Mosque 0%2%8%
NATIONAL INDICATOR People say how things are going overall these days People say the single biggest problem facing it as a whole in Iraq
NATIONAL INDICATOR People say the current economic situation in Iraq People’s opinion on security situation over the last year in Iraq
ROLE OF CIVIL SOCIETY People’s opinion on the list of activities that Civil Society could perform
CIVIC KNOWLEDGE Subject Percentage YesNoRefused Aware of the civil society in their community19%70%11% Could give example of CSO advocating for their community needs 15%69%16% Could explain the works CSO performed to advocate their community needs 11%17%72% Know the places where the community groups meet in their community 18%67%15% Heard or learned of association/CSO in the media past six months 45%48%7% Know how to get contact with a representative from their local council 45%50%5% Know how to get contact with a representative from their provincial council 31%63%6% CSOs need to be registered with the government58%27%15% Could tell the name of Iraqi Prime Minister correctly95%3%2% Percentage of people who have a basic level of civic knowledge
PARTICIPATION IN CIVIC ACTION Activity Percentage Yes NoRefused Participated in any activity with others to improve his/her community or country 24%72%4% Participated in a civil society-organized activity 17%79%4% Participated in a local or national advocacy campaign 19%76%5% Written a letter to a govt. officials or called him by phone for help solving a problem or to share his/her views 14%84%2% Met with a government official for help solving a problem or to share his/her opinion 14%83%3% Percentage of people who have participated in a collective civic action during past six months
PARTICIPATION IN VOLUNTARY SERVICE Activity Percentage Yes NoRefused Done voluntary work in his/her community 31%65%4% Donated money or other assistance to a non-religious civil society organization. 16%79%5% Helped others to understand how to peacefully demonstrate for improved government services. 23%71%6% Percentage of people who have participated in voluntary services during past six months
MEMBERSHIP IN GROUPS Type Percentage Official leader Active member Inactive member Not a member Refused Religious group 1.0%2.7%5.2%85.8%5.3% Syndicate or association 0.7%4.5%8.5%81.2%5.1% Professional or business association 0.5%1.6%3.8%88.3%5.8% A community development or self-help association/CSO 1.0%2.9%3.4%86.5%6.1% Percentage of people who are a member of the groups
MEMBERSHIP IN GROUPS Position of membership in the past six months of the above Type Percentage YesNoRefused Religious group 2%22%76% Syndicate or association 4%21%75% Professional or business association 2%22%76% A community development or self-help association/CSO 3%20%77%
VOICE IN LOCAL GOVT. DECISION Percentage of people who feel they have a voice in local government decision making (On a 1 to 7 scale rating, where 7 being ‘very likely’ and 1 being ‘least likely’) Level /Scale Percentage Refused Local government14%11%16%19%15%11%9%5% Provincial government15%13%16%18%16%9%8%5% Federal government26%15%14% 9%6%5%11% Regional government25%11% 12%8%6% 22%
PERCEPTION OF CIVIL SOCIETY People’s perception of Civil Society in Iraq (On a 1 to 7 scale rating, where 7 being the best and 1 being the worst)
PERCEPTION OF GOVT. RESPONSIVENESS People’s perception of Government Responsiveness (On a 1 to 7 scale rating, where 7 being the best and 1 being the worst) Subject/Scale Percentage They are honest and fair with the Iraqi people 30%18%24%13%6%2%3% Are available to me if I want to express my opinion or solve a problem 31%22%19%12%6%2% Are actively working to solve problems and meet needs of people and community 29%21%22%13%6%3%2% Are aware of the issues of most concern to people 24%18%20%15%8%5%4% Try their best to listen to what people like me have to say 31%20%18%12%7%3% Are competent and professional in performing their jobs. 23%21%23%13%8%3% Are accountable to the public for the quality of their job performance and the decisions that they take. 24%19%21%13%7%4% Are open and honest about their work and the decisions that they take. 27%20%21%13%7%3% Are willing to share information about their work with the media and/or public 20%15%20%15%10%5%