Tomáš Němec VUT Brno, 2005
is crude oil? What is crude oil? The oil we find underground is called crude oil. Crude oil is a mixture of hydrocarbons – from almost solid to gaseous. These were produced when tiny plants and animals decayed under layers of sand and mud millions of years ago. Crude oil doesn't always look the same – it depends where it comes from. Sometimes it is almost colourless, or it can be thick and black. But crude oil usually looks like thin, brown treacle. Pouring crude oil
Petroleum Refining Processes Crude oil has to be changed before it can be used for anything. This happens in an oil refinery. CategoryProcesses Separation of crude oil -Vacuum destilation Thermal and catalytic cracking-Fluid coking Combination-Alkylation, Polymerization Treating-Hydroprocessing for example:
Useful products from crude oil Hydrocarbons - are basically fuels such as petrol. Hydrocarbons - are basically fuels such as petrol. Fractional distillation of crude oil: Fractional distillation of crude oil: Gases Petrol Kerosene Diesel Lubricating oil Fuel oil Bitumen
vitamins made from crude oil