Governance of integrated projects: the strategy of GRIP-IT for component 2 Work shop for participants Oct 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Governance of integrated projects: the strategy of GRIP-IT for component 2 Work shop for participants Oct 2006

1.GRIP-IT RFO scope 2.The GRIP-IT Approved sub projects 3.sub-project synergies and complementaries, contribution to GRIP-IT objectives 4.Perspectives in AGENDA

 We need Integration of interventions for successful local development strategies.  integrated approach is easily consistent with the EU principle of partnership for programming, but difficult to extended to the implementing stage.  The experience of Integrated projects in current programming period proves the need for further enhancement of governance effectiveness. GRIP-IT RFO. Why GRIP IT?

GRIP IT objectives  Innovation in governance of Integrated projects.  Exchange of experiences in integrated projects for structural funds.  Creation of Methodologies for integrated project  Promotion of SUB-PROJECTS: partnerships in integrated projects, in the field of local development, infrastructures, cultural resources.  RESULTS AND LONG TERM IMPACT: GRIP IT projects models implemented in Extended adoption of the integrated approach in Local development policies.

 The GRIP-IT partnership represents a complex and heterogeneous system of structural conditions, Structural funds frameworks, past experiences in cohesion policies, objectives of local development.  Wide range of economic developement levels in relation to EU development.  Three partners in Objective 1 and one in Objective 2  Two partners in New member states, two in a funding member  One partner leaving objective one and moving to competitivity GRIP IT partnership

 Studies and common work on methodologies for structural funds integrated projects in comp. 3 for the next programming period.  Sub projects: 7 international partnerships in the fields of cultural resources, tourism, health services, local networks.  Information : the website: information initiatives to spread knowledge and awareness on project integration. GRIP IT activities

 MUSNET: conservation and enhancement of local cultures.  EU-NET : interregional cooperation initiatives for local development  TONE: Tourism networks in Historical centres.  LoProDeN: Development of typical products establishing an interregional network.  H E A LT H-Y E C O N O M Y: creation of projects for public-private partnerships for health services.  GOSER: institution building of new patterns for the governance of Local Productive Systems  CULT: enhancement of cultural resources uses GRIP IT sub projects: what can you do for GRIP-IT?

 Cultural services for economic development  how to integrate projects in human resources and cultural services provision  How to create economic development impact from initiatives of traditional values and cultures preservation  Governance: partnerships of local administrations and non profit organization active in cultural services: institutional and financial relations.  MUSNET: conservation and enhancement of cultural resources.

 Interregional cooperation in the new programming period.  Finance of interregional partnerships in the mainstream programmes.  Integration of interregional cooperation and local development initiatives  Governance: how to extend the partnership after the project ends. Institutional and financial coordination  EU-NET : interregional cooperation initiatives for local development

 Integration of public Infrastructures, private investment, human resources development project  Coordination of interventions of ESF and ERDF  Timing and coordination of interventions in private and public properties.  Promotional initiatives in support of economic activities. How to finance, how to make effective.  Governance : institutional settings for the operation of widespread public and private infrastructures. Coordination of institutions responsible of preservation of historical respources and institutions responsible of development.  TONE: Tourism networks in Historical centres

 ISSUES: integration in the new regulation for European Agricultural and Rural Development Fund.  Integration of measures in priority One, two, three of the new Programmes for Rural Development. Integration in Leader Approach  Governance :  Temporary associations of agricultural and food industries entrepreneurs for the implementation of integrated projects  Launch of permanent consortiums for products development and promotion  Institutional settings for the operation of New leader initiatives  Coordination of Leader institutions and local development institutions, Mountainous communities associations, etc.  LoProDeN: Development of typical products establishing an interregional network.

 ISSUES: Health services has an opportunity for innovation and growth.  Integration of research activities, industrial production, services provision.  Partnerships for spill over initiatives?  Governance : institution building for partnerships in the health services sectors.  Integration of innovation objectives in Integrated projects strategy.  H E A LT H-Y E C O N O M Y: creation of projects for public-private partnerships for health services.

 ISSUES: Local Industrial Networks for economic development  Infrastructures, Innovation promotion, and Human Resources strategies in Integrated projects  Governance : PPP for local development.  Management of Grant schemes at local level.  Innovations in Financial tools for integrated projects in industrial development?  GOSER: institution building of new patterns for the governance of Local Productive Systems

 ISSUES: Investment in restoring cultural heritage resources and operation of the recovered infrastructures: administrative and economic feasibility.  Integrated investments in cultural services provision and restoring of cultural heritage.  Governance : institution building for PPP in the cultural sector.  Management of Grant schemes at local level.  Coordination of Leader initiatives and integrated projects supported  CULT Cultural heritage resources as

 Feasibility studies in integrated projects for:  Cultural Heritage resources.  Tourism Networks  Traditional and typical products  Guidelines for:  Integrated projects for interregional cooperation,  Local productive systems networks,  Traditional products promotion,  Exchange of experiences.  Establishment of interregional networks Activities and outputs of GRIP IT sub projects

 Basilicata in statistical phasing out objective competition.  In , Regional operational programmes in Hungary and Czech Republic.  One programme one fund approach in new EU regulations.  Limited reference to “integration” principle in SF regulations.  Interregional cooperation in mainstream programmes and objective cooperation. Perspectives: the GRIP IT partnership in the future cohesion policy

GRIP-IT Basilicata region Grazie, mockrát děkuji; köszönöm szépen