Governance of integrated projects: the strategy of GRIP-IT for component 2 Work shop for participants Oct 2006
1.GRIP-IT RFO scope 2.The GRIP-IT Approved sub projects 3.sub-project synergies and complementaries, contribution to GRIP-IT objectives 4.Perspectives in AGENDA
We need Integration of interventions for successful local development strategies. integrated approach is easily consistent with the EU principle of partnership for programming, but difficult to extended to the implementing stage. The experience of Integrated projects in current programming period proves the need for further enhancement of governance effectiveness. GRIP-IT RFO. Why GRIP IT?
GRIP IT objectives Innovation in governance of Integrated projects. Exchange of experiences in integrated projects for structural funds. Creation of Methodologies for integrated project Promotion of SUB-PROJECTS: partnerships in integrated projects, in the field of local development, infrastructures, cultural resources. RESULTS AND LONG TERM IMPACT: GRIP IT projects models implemented in Extended adoption of the integrated approach in Local development policies.
The GRIP-IT partnership represents a complex and heterogeneous system of structural conditions, Structural funds frameworks, past experiences in cohesion policies, objectives of local development. Wide range of economic developement levels in relation to EU development. Three partners in Objective 1 and one in Objective 2 Two partners in New member states, two in a funding member One partner leaving objective one and moving to competitivity GRIP IT partnership
Studies and common work on methodologies for structural funds integrated projects in comp. 3 for the next programming period. Sub projects: 7 international partnerships in the fields of cultural resources, tourism, health services, local networks. Information : the website: information initiatives to spread knowledge and awareness on project integration. GRIP IT activities
MUSNET: conservation and enhancement of local cultures. EU-NET : interregional cooperation initiatives for local development TONE: Tourism networks in Historical centres. LoProDeN: Development of typical products establishing an interregional network. H E A LT H-Y E C O N O M Y: creation of projects for public-private partnerships for health services. GOSER: institution building of new patterns for the governance of Local Productive Systems CULT: enhancement of cultural resources uses GRIP IT sub projects: what can you do for GRIP-IT?
Cultural services for economic development how to integrate projects in human resources and cultural services provision How to create economic development impact from initiatives of traditional values and cultures preservation Governance: partnerships of local administrations and non profit organization active in cultural services: institutional and financial relations. MUSNET: conservation and enhancement of cultural resources.
Interregional cooperation in the new programming period. Finance of interregional partnerships in the mainstream programmes. Integration of interregional cooperation and local development initiatives Governance: how to extend the partnership after the project ends. Institutional and financial coordination EU-NET : interregional cooperation initiatives for local development
Integration of public Infrastructures, private investment, human resources development project Coordination of interventions of ESF and ERDF Timing and coordination of interventions in private and public properties. Promotional initiatives in support of economic activities. How to finance, how to make effective. Governance : institutional settings for the operation of widespread public and private infrastructures. Coordination of institutions responsible of preservation of historical respources and institutions responsible of development. TONE: Tourism networks in Historical centres
ISSUES: integration in the new regulation for European Agricultural and Rural Development Fund. Integration of measures in priority One, two, three of the new Programmes for Rural Development. Integration in Leader Approach Governance : Temporary associations of agricultural and food industries entrepreneurs for the implementation of integrated projects Launch of permanent consortiums for products development and promotion Institutional settings for the operation of New leader initiatives Coordination of Leader institutions and local development institutions, Mountainous communities associations, etc. LoProDeN: Development of typical products establishing an interregional network.
ISSUES: Health services has an opportunity for innovation and growth. Integration of research activities, industrial production, services provision. Partnerships for spill over initiatives? Governance : institution building for partnerships in the health services sectors. Integration of innovation objectives in Integrated projects strategy. H E A LT H-Y E C O N O M Y: creation of projects for public-private partnerships for health services.
ISSUES: Local Industrial Networks for economic development Infrastructures, Innovation promotion, and Human Resources strategies in Integrated projects Governance : PPP for local development. Management of Grant schemes at local level. Innovations in Financial tools for integrated projects in industrial development? GOSER: institution building of new patterns for the governance of Local Productive Systems
ISSUES: Investment in restoring cultural heritage resources and operation of the recovered infrastructures: administrative and economic feasibility. Integrated investments in cultural services provision and restoring of cultural heritage. Governance : institution building for PPP in the cultural sector. Management of Grant schemes at local level. Coordination of Leader initiatives and integrated projects supported CULT Cultural heritage resources as
Feasibility studies in integrated projects for: Cultural Heritage resources. Tourism Networks Traditional and typical products Guidelines for: Integrated projects for interregional cooperation, Local productive systems networks, Traditional products promotion, Exchange of experiences. Establishment of interregional networks Activities and outputs of GRIP IT sub projects
Basilicata in statistical phasing out objective competition. In , Regional operational programmes in Hungary and Czech Republic. One programme one fund approach in new EU regulations. Limited reference to “integration” principle in SF regulations. Interregional cooperation in mainstream programmes and objective cooperation. Perspectives: the GRIP IT partnership in the future cohesion policy
GRIP-IT Basilicata region Grazie, mockrát děkuji; köszönöm szépen