NAMA Facility Support for the Implementation of NAMAs Janka Clauder, NAMA Facility Technical Support Unit UNFCCC Asia Pacific and Eastern Europe Regional Workshop on Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions Bonn, 12 June 2015
UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn Purpose Tailor-made support to countries that show leadership on tackling climate change and that want to implement NAMAs. NAMA Support Project (NSPs) are highly ambitious parts of broader, sector-wide NAMAs. NSPs shall demonstrate that climate finance can effectively support transformational change in partner countries. Support combines full range of development cooperation instruments (financial and technical) Purpose: Demonstrating a framework for providing tailor-made climate finance for developing countries in the field of mitigation. Building on existing support by funding the implementation of transformational NAMAs seeking international support, thus delivering concrete results on the ground. Raising ambition to close the global emissions gap and address the lack of NAMA climate finance. UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn
Pilot Project in Mexiko Costa Rica Indonesia Chile Columbia Peru Tajikistan Thailand Burkina Faso 2012 BMUB (DE) and DECC (UK) establish the NAMA Facility 2013 – First Call (€70 mio) 4 NAMA Support Projects (NSPs) selected 2014 - Second Call (€50 mio) 4 NSPs selected New Donors announce commitment at COP in Lima: MCEB (Denmark) and European Commission 2015 - Third Call (up to €85 mio) Announcement of newly selected NSPs at COP in Paris UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn
UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn Land NAMA Support Project Funding Volume Mexiko Sustainable Housing NAMA* EUR 14 mio Costa Rica Low Carbon Coffee NAMA* EUR 7 mio Indonesia SUTRI NAMA– Sustainable Urban Transport* Chile Self-Supply Renewable Energy (SSRE) NAMA EUR 15 mio Columbia Transit-oriented Development (TOD) NAMA EUR 14.9 mio Peru SUT- Sustainable Urban Transport NAMA Support Project EUR 9 mio Tajikistan Forestry NAMA Support Project EUR 13 mio Thailand Refrigeration and Air Conditioning NAMA (RAC NAMA) EUR 14.7 mio Burkina Faso Biomass Energy NAMA Support Project EUR 13.5 mio * funding for implementation approved UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn
I Eligibility Criteria Assessment Criteria for NAMA Support Projects I Eligibility Criteria II Ambition Criteria III Feasibility Criteria Broad geographical and sectoral interest Services like individual feedbacks on NSP Outlines pay off Approx. 50% of submitted NSPs fail to fulfill eligibility criteria Readiness and bankibility of NAMAs crucial yet a challenge UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn
Third Call for NAMA Support Projects Open until 15 July 2015, 2pm Relevant Documents available at General Information Document Outline Template + 6 Annexes Main Changes : funding volume for individual NAMA Support Projects has been increased to € 5-20 Mio Regional projects are eligible and regional intergovernmental organisations can submit NSP outlines threshold for the eligibility of Delivery Organisations for Technical Cooperation components has been eased UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn
UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn Thank you for your attention! Further information on or contact the Technical Support Unit at UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn
UNFCCC Regional Workshop, 12 June 2015, Bonn