HAD + PAST PARTICIPLE Example: I had already left when she arrived
WHY SHALL WE USE THIS TENSE? 1)To make it clear that action A took place in a time before and separate from the time when action B took place 2)To express duration in the past 3)In narrative to give a clear sequence of time
1) ACTION A BEFORE ACTION B Ex: I gave my daughter the present which I had bought her the day before ACTION B ACTION A I had bought it the day before I gave the present to my daughter Line of time NOW BEFORE NOWEARLIER THAN BEFORE NOW
2) DURATION IN THE PAST Ex: I had played volleyball for 8 years before I became a professional NOWBEFORE NOW EARLIER THAN BEFORE NOW I had played volleyball for 8 years I became a professional
2) IN NARRATIVE TO GIVE A CLEAR SEQUENCE OF TIME Here’s a story of a pilot who held on board his passengers against their will..