The goal of this program is to educate and prepare students for employment and further training in the areas of business technology, computer operations, web development, computer programming and database administration. Business Information Systems
Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript) Programming (Python, Java, ActionScript) Database Administration (RDBMS, SQL, PHP) AP Computer Science Project Management Business Application Support Help Desk Support HTML: Hypertext Markup Language CSS: Cascading Style Sheets RDBMS: Relational Database Management Systems SQL: Simple Query Language PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor
Two week intro course (Shop and RT) Intro to Web design (Photoshop) Intro to Web development (HTML/CSS) Intro to programming concepts (Scratch) Integration with ISS&N RT: Related Theory Photoshop: Image editing software from Adobe HTML: Hypertext Markup Language CSS: Cascading Style Sheets Scratch: Beginner programming tool from MIT ISS&N: Information Support Systems and Networking
Shop: Cisco IT Essentials Microsoft Office Training Intro to Computer Programming (Python) Related Theory: Windows 7 OS IT: Information Technology Microsoft Office: Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Access, and Publisher Python: Object oriented programming language OS: Operating System
Shop: Cisco Discovery I & II MWCC dual enrollment credit Static Web design (HTML/CSS) Web Programming (JavaScript) Related Theory: Pre-AP Computer Science (Java) Cisco Discovery: Basic IT and Networking Concepts HTML: The basic language of the web CSS: The appearance language of the web JavaScript: Web programming language
Shop: AP Computer Science (Java) Dynamic Web development (PHP/MySQL) Help Desk Support Related Theory: Design Principles (Adobe CS) Java: Object- oriented programming language PHP: Scripting language that allows web pages to access dynamic content MySQL: Common database tool for dynamic page content Design Principles: User Interface design, image manipulation, and Project management
Shop: AP Computer Science (Java) Database Administration (MS SQL Server) Help Desk Support Internship/Co-op Related Theory: Relational Database Concepts Java: Object- oriented programming language MS SQL Server: Enterprise-level database management software Help Desk: End user support and training Relational Database Concepts: Database planning, design and, implementation
Skills USA Women In Technology Articulation with QCC Dual Enrollment with MWCC AP Computer Science Skills USA: Vocational School Competition Women In Technology: Non- traditional roles in the Information Technology world. QCC: Keyboarding MWCC: Cisco Discovery I & II
Cooperative Education Internships Worcester City Hall Worcester Courts Workforce Development Fairlawn Rehabilitation
US Bureau of Labor Statistics predicts above average growth in the field of computer network, systems, and database administrators Occupational Title Growth NumberPercent Computer network, systems, and database administrators 961,2001,247,800286,60030 Database administrators120,400144,70024,40020 Network and computer systems administrators 339,500418,40078,90023 Network systems and data communications analysts 292,000447,800155,80053 Computer software engineers, applications 514,800689,900175,10034 Computer software engineers, systems software 394,800515,000120,20030 All other computer specialists209,300236,80027,50013
Occupational Title Median Wage Management of companies and enterprises$70,680 Computer systems design and related services70,490 Wired telecommunications carriers66,950 Colleges, universities, and professional schools57,380 Elementary and secondary schools56,320 Wired telecommunications carriers75,930 Insurance carriers74,910 Management of companies and enterprises73,720 Computer systems design and related services72,410 Local government64,230 From Computer network, systems, and database administrators should continue to enjoy excellent job prospects. In general, applicants with a college degree and certification will have the best opportunities. However, for some of these occupations.
MA E MPLOYMENT P ROJECTIONS 11.1% growth in Computer and Information Systems Managers 21.6% growth in Computer Software Engineers, Applications 22.9% growth in Computer Software Engineers, Systems Software. 8 out of 53 High-Demand/High-Wage/High-Skilled Occupations in Massachusetts are Information Technology fields. Professional, Scientific, and Technical Services show the largest percentage of growth by 2018 at 25.6%.
QCC / MWCC Fitchburg State College Framingham State University Becker College Assumption College UMass Amherst Worcester State College Web Design Computer Science Database Administration Information Technology