Alternative Care for the Mind and Body Session 2 Energy Medicine Jennifer Kitchen July 2, 2013
“Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity” Hippocrates
Overview Universal Energy Benefits of Touch Therapies Therapeutic Touch Healing Touch Reiki
Universal Energy Not directly measurable Does not lose power with distance Cannot be blocked by barriers (Micozzi, 2011)
Universal Energy Energy Medicines Qigong, Rieki, and Therapeutic and Healing Touch Based on philosophy, historical use, and traditional use Interaction between energy field and intention (Micozzi, 2011)
Universal Energy Bioenergy Ki Chi Qi Prana (Micozzi, 2011) Aura Biofield Meridian Energy Pathway Chakras Local Energy Fields (Feinstein and Eden, 2008)
Universal Energy Reach Efficiency Practicality Patient Empowerment Quantum Compatibility Holistic orientation (Feinstein and Eden, 2008) Six Pillars of Energy Medicine
Benefits of Touch Therapies Promotes health Balanced energy in the body Reduces anxiety Improved muscle relaxation Enhanced stress reduction Improved mood Improved functional status Improved over-all health Reduced blood pressure Increased immune function Increased ability to cope with pain Decreased fatigue (Feinstein and Eden, 2008)
Therapeutic Touch The therapist Places hands on or near the patient's body Consciously directs the patient’s energies Focuses on balancing the energies and stimulating the body's own natural healing (The University of Minnesota, 2012)
Based on the assumptions that Human beings are open energy systems Illness is an imbalance in the energy field Clearing or balancing the energy field promotes health All humans have the natural abilities to heal (The University of Minnesota, 2012)
Taught in many nursing schools, Categorized as a biofield energy therapy by NCCAM Is not a substitute for medical treatment It does complement conventional medical care Is beneficial with other therapies (The University of Minnesota, 2012)
Healing Touch A Healing Touch session Practitioner goes through a centering process Practitioner becomes fully present with the patient Practitioner focuses intention on patient's “highest good” (The University of Minnesota, 2012)
Techniques A gentle but firm physical touch Placing of hands in the energy field surrounding the body Continual reassessment of the client’s physical indicators (Wilkinson, Knox, Chatman, et al, 2002)
Complements other healing techniques Conventional medical practices Other Mind/Body oriented therapies Not intended as a cure (The University of Minnesota, 2012)
The Five Precepts Just for today, do not anger Just for today, do not worry Be humble Be honest in your work Be compassionate to yourself and others (Arnold and Nevius,1982 & Miles and True, 2003)
Reiki Extremely Passive Medicine Hands gently on patient or just above the body No attempt to adjust or reorganize energy field No attempt to project energy into the body Does not require an assessment of patient energies (Micozzi, 2011)
Reiki Induced States of Awareness Novel and paradoxical sensations Disorientation in space and time Altered experience of self, environment, and relationships (Micozzi, 2011) Changes in Physical Measurements Lowered stress and anxiety Skin temperature lowered Electromyographic readings lowered Salivary cortisol level lowered (Micozzi, 2011)
Time to Relax
References Arnold, L. and Nevius, S., (1982). The Reiki Handbook. ParaScience International; PA. Energy Intuitives, (n.d.). Energy Healing. Retrieved from Feinstein, D. and Eden, D., (2008). Six Pillars of Energy Medicine: clinical strengths of a complementary paradigm. Alternative Therapies, 14:1, Retrieved from Micozzi, M.S., (2011). Fundamentals of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (fourth edition). Missouri; Saunders Elsevier. Miles, P. and True, G., (2003). Reiki—review of a biofield therapy history, theory, practice, and research. Alternative Therapies, 9:2, Retrieved from The University of Minnesota, (2012). Healing Touch. Retrieved from touch touch The University of Minnesota, (2012). Therapeutic Touch. Retrieved from practices/therapeutic-touch practices/therapeutic-touch Wilkinson, D.S., Knox, P.L., Chatman, J.E., Johnson, T.L., Barbour, N., Myles, Y., and Reel, A., (2002). The Clinical Effectiveness of Healing Touch. The Journal of Alternative and Complementary Medicine, 8:1, 33–47. Retrieved from Effectiveness%20Article_ pdf Effectiveness%20Article_ pdf