Energy Medicine To restore energy flow within the body Heal the body by activating its natural healing energy Complementary approach to other treatments And, also can be a complete system of self-care Helps address physical health conditions, mental health disorders Promotes high-level wellness
Principles of Energy Medicine Energies form the infrastructure of one’s physical body Health of energies is reflected in the health of the body Body needs its energies to move, especially to overcome illness Flow, balance, and harmony can be restored and maintained Done by non-invasive methods Tapping, massaging, exercises, postures, etc.
Energy Systems Meridians Chakras Aura Radiant Circuits Triple Warmer Celtic Weave Five Rhythms Electrics Basic Grid
Chakras Earliest evidence of chakras dates back to BC in India Chakras are energy centers in which energy flow through within the body Chakra = “wheel” There are seven Chakras in the body Illness/symptoms are present when chakra(s) is not balanced, under energized, or over energized Energy is not flowing properly
Reiki One method to balance chakras and restore energy flow Japanese technique to promote healing and reduce stress Flow of the energy from a limitless source (God Force) to the individual via the Reiki practitioner “Laying on hands” Releases blockages, restores balance and energy flow Reiki practitioner either places hands on person or just above him/her Reiki hand positions done by practitioner or by one’s self
Reiki Reiki Self-treatmentReiki by practitioner
Questions & Conclusion Questions? References Lesson Three: Manipulative Care