POETRY WEBQUEST Keep a Poem in Your Pocket By: Beatrice Schenk de Regniers (duh ren' yeah) Keep a poem in your pocket and a picture in your head and you'll never feel lonely at night when you're in bed. The little poem will sing to you the little picture bring to you a dozen dreams to dance to you at night when you're in bed. So-- Keep a picture in your pocket and a poem in your head and you'll never be lonely at night when you're in bed.
Your task will be to explore and research various types of poetry Your task will be to explore and research various types of poetry. You will learn the components of different poetry forms. You will also read poems written by famous poets as well as children the same age as you. Next, you will produce your own poems! TASK
Start by exploring the background information and completing any directions. These links describe different types of poetry as well as tricks and tools. Then investigate the links in other categories. Follow what's interesting to you and browse. Enjoy yourself. Pick out a few favorite poems, and think about how you could write a poem like that. Poetry involves a lot of brainstorming, so don't worry about whether it's 'good' or not, just have a good time writing! PROCESS
PROCESS Part 1- Background These links will give you examples of different sorts of poems and advice on how to write them. Visit http://www.kyrene.org/schools/brisas/sunda/poets/poetry2.htm to find the definition to the following words. Write each definition and the example, if given. Place this page in your poetry folder. Define: 1.) Imagery, 2.)Stanza, 3.) Onomatopoeia, 4.) Point-of-View (All 3 types) 5.) Simile, 6) Rhyme, 7) Metaphor, 8) Alliteration PROCESS
Visit Poetry in Motion to find a PowerPoint presentation on poetic forms. Write each definition when you come across that particular slide. Place this page in your poetry folder. Define: 1.) Acrostic, 2.) Couplets, 3.) Quatrains, 4.) Free Verse, 5.) Limerick, 6.)Haiku PROCESS
Part 2- Delving Deeper Next, you will find four sets of links. Take your time and explore each link. Kid's Favorites: Poetry4kids - Funny poems, poetry lessons, and poetry games Mama Lisa's World - Children's songs from all nations RhymeZone - A rhyming dictionary and thesaurus Giggle Poetry - Information on poetry contests, and silly read-aloud poems
HAIKU Spring Spring's once every year It comes in like a lion, roar Out like a lamb, baa! by Shannon age 13 Sherman Middle White Lake, MI, U.S.A. History Haiku - How to write Haiku Haiku written by kids - Examples from St. Bernard of Clairvaux Catholic School - includes original artwork Haiku by Kids - Great examples of Haiku on a variety of subjects HAIKU
Jessica Macauda, 6th grade Cow Cakes There once was a cow that liked cake, He was spoiled for goodness sake. He would moo all day, until he got his way, and now the kind farmers have to bake. Jessica Macauda, 6th grade Limericks - How to write limericks Student Examples- Including limericks and artwork LIMERICK
Now that you have explored the given websites, it's time to produce your own poetry. 1. Choose a favorite poem and write on of your own in the same style. 2. Choose another favorite and write one on the same subject. 3. Write one haiku poem. 4. Write one limerick. 5. For your final project, write a poem and illustrate it using any medium you think would work best (paint, crayon, a collage, etc.).
CONCLUSION Now, was that as difficult as you thought? I doubt it. Now, time to reflect. Write a paragraph or two answering the following questions. What did you think of poetry before you started this Quest? What did you learn that you didn't know before? Did you think you could write a poem? What type of poems do you like the best? How did you feel while you were writing your poems? Will you plan on writing a poem again sometime? CONCLUSION
Last step: Make sure you have the following papers with your name on them in your folder: Glossary of Poetic Devices definitions Poetry in Motion definitions Your favorite poem written in the same style Another favorite on the same subject Haiku poem Limerick Paragraph of reflections Final project (original poem & illustration) CONCLUSION
CONGRATULATIONS! You have worked very hard to complete this WebQuest. In the process of completing this, you have learned a great deal about poetry... But most of all you have became a poet yourself! "You are a poet and you didn't even know it" Author Unknown