Concept of HR Information System: Management information system is and organizational method of providing past, present and projected information relating to internal operations and external factors to facilitate decision-making process. Human Resource Information System is an organised method of providing information about human resource, their functioning,external factors relevant to managing human resource.
The basic objective of HR information system are : 1) To provide accurate information about human resource and their functioning and relevant environmental factors. 2) To provide relevant information. 3) and To provide timely information. Every organization requires information from its environment known as external information and it also needs information about its human resource and their functioning, known as internal information.
External Information: HR department of an organisation is required to collect information about these factors from different sources and to make it a part of HR information system. Nature of competition for human resources of different types. Nature of availability of human resources from different sources. Nature of training and development facilities available outside the organisation. Nature of expectations of human resources from the organisation. Socio-cultural and other background of human resource. Various government policies affecting the employment conditions of people.
External Information: Various labour laws which are relevant for managing human resource in the organisation. Status of trade union movement and its attitudes towards employer organisation's. Various HRM practices adopted by different organisation’s nationally and internationally.
Internal Information: HR department collects relevant information from internal sources: Particulars of each employee showing his/her name, age, qualification and other relevant particulars. Type of employee recruited during the year. Training and Development offered. Results of performance appraisal. Promotion, demotion, transfer, separation of employees. Compensation packages, both financial and non financial, offered. Employee absenteeism. Employee turnover Maintenance, safety and health services.
Designing of HR Information System HR Information system in an organisation should be developed in such a manner that the data stored in it can be put to use for a number of outputs. As a consequence of these multiple uses of data, there is a need to develop a complete system of gathering, processing, and flowing of information.
Designing of HR Information System In designing of HRIS, two factors need to be borne in mind: - Determining of Information Needs. - MIS Blueprint. Since the data collected will be used by the organization at various levels and times, there is a need to develop a complete system which will gather and process the required valuable information.
Designing of HR Information System - Determining of Information Needs: Manager's needs for information are multiple and enormous. Their needs may be different at different levels, and the information has to be tailor made to meet the needs of the respective levels. To provide this relevant data from time to time two key elements need to be borne in mind. 1.Major MIS determinants: These are the factors that play a role in structuring rather type of information the management will be receiving.e.g. organizational strategy, organizational structure, management and decision making process etc. 2.Major Success variables: These are the factors and task that determine success or failure.
Designing of HR Information System MIS Blueprint : A well designed MIS blueprint brings together the key variables. Based on these, the information needs of different level managers are determined. The blueprint should focus on the information identified by the functions performed at different levels.
Objectives of HR research: To Build Knowledge: Research is a source of enhancing knowledge. knowledge can be derived through experience,observation of practices of others and research. To Evaluate Current HRM Practices: Research helps in systematic evaluation of current HRM practices and provide clues for replacing many practices which are not in tune with effective utilisation of human resources. To Anticipate HRM Problems: Researches in behavioural sciences have one basic limitation, that is their findings cannot be made applicable for all times to come because of changes in contextual variables in which these have been conducted.