Located at 365 Bloor Street East (Bloor/Sherbourne) Suite 1704 Toronto, ON
Who We Are Non-profit employment community agency helping women with their employment goals across Toronto Founded during the women’s movement in Toronto Funded by: Employment Ontario, United Way and Ontario Women’s Directorate Operate as a collective agency with staff of 10 and volunteers to assist clients Celebrated 35 th anniversary last November
EO Service Provider Committed to providing excellent customer service and client satisfaction Full suite of services Focused on employment results
Our Clients from all backgrounds and cultures Safe, supportive environment Canadian born citizens, permanent residence, refugee claimants Some services are available to all clients regardless of status Majority from St. Jamestown area Looking to find opportunities to network outside of their community Language: Swahili, Spanish, Mandarin, French, Romanian Volunteer Opportunities
What We Do ASSISTED Clients Career Planning Workshop Job Search Workshop Job Placement and Retention UNASSISTED Clients Second Career Strategy and Ontario Self Employment Benefits Educational Counselling Resume Clinic Computer Room (& computer workshops) Resource Centre (& job board)
Assisted and Unassisted Assisted Clients: Clients who require counselling services, attend a workshop, or are referred to other services These clients will go into our CAMS-EOIS database system and will be required to give SIN # Unassisted Clients: Clients whose needs are met using the Resource Centre, Resume Clinic, Second Career, or computers, including computer workshops
Eligibility for Assisted Underemployed/unemployed: employment workshops are open for working 20 hours or less Have a SIN number Language: ESL Level 6 or LINC level 5 (for all assisted services) Not currently registered at another EO service provider (for all assisted services)
Assisted Services Job Search Workshop: 4 morning workshop offered each week Career Planning: Offered every 5 weeks Job Placement: based on ability to match skill set of client to employer needs
Unassisted Services Educational counselling: one on one appointments Second Career and OSEB: applications and referrals Computer Tutorials: independent and flexible Computer Workshops: Introductory level Resource Centre: resources for job search and career planning purposes
How are we Unique? Specific to women Career Planning Career Planning Workbook Educational Counselling Resource Centre Online Useful Links section on website Opportunities to connect with mentors and local business community
Enhanced Referral process for Men/Youth Men Parliament TCET at 595 Parliament Street Newcomer Information Centre 43 Charles Street Youth YES 555 Richmond Street West If you have male clients, you can refer them to these locations directly
How To Refer Clients can: Call (416) ex0 Drop In during business hours Sign up for Getting Stared orientation session EO Service Provider: Confirm with client that they are not registered with another agency ‘Job Ready’: Clients that are ready to look for work or for training/career
Our Location 365 Bloor Street East Suite 1704 (at Sherbourne Station) Call us: Service Hours: Monday - Thursday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. Friday 9:00 a.m. to 2:30 p.m. We are a perfume free environment.
Our Contact Information Katie Didyk Marketing/Outreach Coordinator , ext. 222 Find us on facebook for up to date employment and career information and advice We are hiring!