By Kateryna Mogan
Standard 3.0 Technology for Learning and Collaboration: Use a variety of technologies for learning and collaboration Standard 4.0 Technology for Communication and Expression: Use technology to communicate information and express ideas using various media formats.
Where: The Prince Street Elementary School When: February-April 2009 Who: Ms. Elisabeth McQuown- a special education teacher
Currently 90 students that have an IEP 2 special education teachers, 1 special education assistant, 2 speech/language therapists, 1 psychologist. Universal design throughout the entire school (ramps, all bathrooms are handicap accessible, etc.) Full inclusion with appointed pull outs according to the IEP Students are grouped according to age and a kind of disability
Technology use is faire Enlarged keyboard stickers and the software that reads text back to the visually impaired students on one of the computers Regular and oversized calculators Overhead projector Inspiration Software
Voice recorder and record player for storytelling
Ms. McQuown uses interactive and educational games that students can play on a Promethean Board Helps them to pay attention, develops memory and motor skills “Peter Rabbit” interactive game
The use of technology with the students with disabilities can foster speech and language development (Skau & Cascella, 2006, p.12) The use of technology in a special ed. classroom makes students more comfortable with the technology everywhere else Students like to create things with the help of the technology, and they are very proud and motivated when they succeed
Teachers can combine the audio stories that students had recorded and create an audio digital story book. It is hard to include all the information into 30 minutes that is why special ed. teachers and mainstream teachers have to collaborate The school has a Inspiration software but children do not use.
Cascella, L. S. (2006, July/August). Using Assistive Technology to Foster Speech and Language Skills at Home and in Preschool. Teaching Exceptional Children,