1. Your Assignment ◦ This is the stressor or cause of your anxiety. ◦ “You must deliver a speech to inform…” 2. Reaction ◦ You consciously react… ◦ “I’m afraid of speaking in front of people. Oh, man, I’m dead!” 1. Your Assignment ◦ This is the stressor or cause of your anxiety. ◦ “You must deliver a speech to inform…” 2. Reaction ◦ You consciously react… ◦ “I’m afraid of speaking in front of people. Oh, man, I’m dead!” Oh crap! I’ll just be absent that day…
3. Body Reacts ◦ All sorts of natural, yet nasty chemicals are dumped into the bloodstream. ◦ “Oh, my stomach hurts… 4. Result ◦ A nervous start to your presentation. ◦ “I, ah, well, you know, went to the, uh…” 3. Body Reacts ◦ All sorts of natural, yet nasty chemicals are dumped into the bloodstream. ◦ “Oh, my stomach hurts… 4. Result ◦ A nervous start to your presentation. ◦ “I, ah, well, you know, went to the, uh…”
But I don’t wanna do the presentation!
The largest barrier to learning to speak effectively is the fear that something terrible will happen. Some dread public speaking due to a poor first experience and were unprepared to handle the situation. Most people lack the needed opportunities to speak that keeps them from feeling like good public speakers.
The symptoms of stage nerves could be quite severe, but lessen as you become more experienced. You don’t have to lose your fear before you can do a good job. You can learn the mechanics of overcoming fear, and through repetition, you’ll gain confidence.
If you get nervous before crowds, remember that a little nervous energy is necessary to give you that excited spark. Even very experienced speakers feel “butterflies” before going onstage. Only speakers who don’t care don’t feel anything.
Be Prepared: A well-planned and well-rehearsed speech will sound clear, organized, and natural. Speak about things you know well or interest you. You will feel confident that you have something to offer the audience. Eat light before a presentation. Avoid carbonated beverages & dairy products, they can cause upset stomach.
Practice your presentation several ways so you’re comfortable making last-minute adjustments. Learn a quick stress-reducing routine for relaxing your neck, shoulders, and facial muscles just before giving your speech. Visualize yourself succeeding and enjoy the applause.
Clear & engaging voice Good conversational pace Consistent eye contact Good posture & appropriate gestures holds audience’s attention Positive and enthusiastic attitude Clear & engaging voice Good conversational pace Consistent eye contact Good posture & appropriate gestures holds audience’s attention Positive and enthusiastic attitude Difficult to understand Fast pace, rushed No eye contact Posture & gestures are distracting (chewing gum, excessive movement) Negative attitude Difficult to understand Fast pace, rushed No eye contact Posture & gestures are distracting (chewing gum, excessive movement) Negative attitude