Danielle Cicalese Caldwell College
Overview Fears Skills Getting started Techniques Room setup Slide show Summary Questions
I hate public speaking... Glossophobia
“The ability to speak to groups is a critical skill for behavior analysts.” What if I choke? What if I forget what to say? What if the computer doesn’t work? What if someone asks me a question I don’t know?
Need for Public Speaking Skills 3x week address a group Building professional relationships Conducting training seminars Briefing for administrators
Getting started Create opportunities for short conversations w/ small groups Read several books on public speaking Comfortable talking 1:1 In vivo desensitization (gradual exposure to fear-producing stimulus) If you need help find a behavior analyst that specializes in this area Fear of public speaking
Techniques for Public Speaking Prepare your talk Content-your messageDelivery-how you tell the story
Step 1 : Identify the Key Points of your talk Start by outlining your presentation 30 minutes=6 key points Arrange your points like a story: beginning, middle, and end
Step 2: Find the Hook Can be a question Humorous story Dramatic stats Well-chosen quote “The hook brings ‘em back”- John Popper
Step 3: Presenting the Content “Bulk of Talk” Key Points Hook Content 1.Avoid crowed slides 2.Use bullet points 3.Focus on highlights 4.Organized without being boring
Step 4: End with a BANG! Come back to the teaser Dramatic photo Quote that wraps up the talk Or humorous anecdote
Room setup & equipment check Arrive 30 min prior Create a comfortable environment The room is usually not set up by presenter You can ask for changes that suit your needs
Lighting & Temperature Make sure you know how to control the lighting -prevents loosing time & puts you in charge Too warm-people get sleepy Too cold-people may just complain or leave
Audience Seating Gently ask people to move closer in rooms that are too large for your audience size Have crew arrange chairs or add tables OR ask to move to another room
Testing the equipment Have staff check for feedback Ask for limitations about equipment (ex: is there a delay on the microphone) Plug in your laptop, make sure it works Advance a few slides just in case Have a title slide when you enter the room w/ your name & affiliation
Music 1. Sets the mood 2. Warms the environment “I loved the music”- most common feedback all over country
Meet & Greet Take the extra time to introduce yourself Leave yourself enough time after dealing with equipment and room setup
Delivery Practice-if possible in the room you are speaking in, videotape yourself to check for non verbal behaviors Relax!-take several deep breaths, you know what your are talking about and people want to hear your story Conversational mode- tone of voice, loud/soft, pauses for effect
Creating an excellent slide show
Slide show cont. Six words per line Six lines per slide “Presentationzen”-Reynolds… Japanese design Beautiful, efficient, well-designed Presentationzen
Summary Don’t give a “talk”- be in the moment Tell a story Take time to set up and get to know your audience Be prepared & practiced Enjoy! Your efforts will be recognized
Additional Resources
References Bailey, J. S., & Burch, M. R. (2010) 25 Essential skills & strategies for the professional behavior analyst. Routledge.