Housekeeping Items 3 PDH’s (By ACEC) ACEC & Tollway FTP Site (Access Presentations) Restrooms Smokers Silence Cell Phones Questions 2
3 PublicationPresenter IntroductionsMr. Matt Lehan Opening RemarksMr. Paul Kovacs Tollway Standard DrawingsMs. Bridget Malinowski Web Based Management SystemMr. Dave Morris Design Section Engineers ManualMr. Jason Martin Construction Managers ManualMr. Nabil Fahoum Structure Design ManualMr. Art Nowak Drainage Design ManualMr. Edward Yousif Break
4 PublicationPresenter Guidelines for Roadway IlluminationMr. John Farsatis Roadway Design CriteriaMr. Tracy Borchardt Traffic Barrier GuidelinesMr. Tracy Borchardt Erosion and Sediment Control, Landscape Design Criteria Mr. Brian Smith Signage and Markings GuidelinesMs. Bridget Malinowski Roadway Traffic Control and Communications Manual Ms. Bridget Malinowski
Mr. Paul D. Kovacs, P.E. Chief Engineer 5
Bridget Malinowski February 2013 TOLLWAY STANDARDS 6
SECTION A Roadway Pavement 7
Section A - Summary Revisions 8
A 18 Precast Slabs 9
SECTION B Drainage Structures Curbs Curb and Gutter Ditches 10
B1-Gutter Detail 11 Concrete Gutter Overlay
B1-Gutter and Curb Detail 12 Crack Control Joints Placed at 15’-0” Centers With Asphalt Shoulders
B8- Type G-2 Modified Frame & Grate 13 Neenah: R 3508-B2
B24-Pipe Underdrains 14
SECTION C Guardrail Median Barrier 15
C1- Galvanized Steel Plate Beam Guardrail 9’ Post Identification (Stamp Both Sides) 16
C1- Galvanized Steel Plate Beam Guardrail 17 Modified Aggregate Shoulders Special Type C from 3” to 6” Depth.
Traffic Barrier Terminals C6-Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T1 (Special) C7-Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T2 C8-Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T5 C9-Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T6 C10-Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T6-B C12-Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T1-A Modified Aggregate Shoulder Special Type C Depth from 3" to 6" 18
C3-Single Face Reinforced Concrete Barrier 19 New Gutter Transition
C5- Concrete Barrier, Double Face 42” 20 New Gutter Transition
C4- Concrete Shoulder Barrier Transition 21 Increased Crash Wall Height From 4’-6” to 5’-0”.
C6 Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T1(Special) Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T1 (Special) All steel post system 22
C12 Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T1-A (Special) All steel post system Traffic Barrier Terminal Type T1-A (Special) 23
C13- Concrete Median Barrier Transition at Bridge Piers 24 Increased Crash Wall Height From 4’-6” to 5’-0”. Extended Transition Taper Length From 28' to 30'.
SECTION D Roadway Appurtenances 25
D1-Right of Way Fence 26 Removed Material Type for Concrete Footing.
D2-Symbols & Patterns 27 New Symbols for Utility and Electric Items
D4-Delineators 28 Revised Permanent Delineation Spacing
D4-Delineators 29 New Temporary Delineation Spacing
D5- Permanent Pavement Markings 30 Revised Edge Line Offset from outside shoulder from 4” to 6”.
D6-Pavement Marking 6” Dotted Line, White 3’ Line 9’ Gap 31
D8-Raised Pavement Markers RPM Detail C Revised for Placement with 6” Dotted Line, 3’ Line 9’ Gap One-Way Crystal Marker 1 each at 48’ Centers 32
SECTION E 33 Maintenance of Traffic
E1-Construction Signs 34
E3-Lane Closure Details 35 New Standard for Three Lane Closure.
E4- MOT Reverse Curve 36 Data shown for this reverse curve is based on a 45 MPH design and work zone speed limit.
E7- Emergency Pull Out Area 37 Revised Length of Pull-Out Area to Accommodate Standard TCB Lengths.
SECTION F Sign Structure 38 Revisions to be Released March 2013
Overhead Sign Structure, Span Type-Aluminum Span Type- Redesigned For a 15’ Deep Sign Panel Over 75% of Span Length. 39
Overhead Sign Structure, Cantilever Type-Steel Cantilever Type- Redesigned For 18’ Deep Sign Panel Over 75% of the Arm Length. Maximum Panel Width Increased to 24’. 40
Overhead Sign Structure, Cantilever Type- Circular Foundation Minimum Post outside diameter increased from 16” to 18”. Drilled shaft depth for all foundation types was increased. 41
Unshielded Foreslope 1:6 or Flatter Breakaway Sign Support Details 42
Milepost Marker 43
New details for attaching “Exit Number ” Signs to existing signs. 44
SECTION G Structural 45 Revisions to be Released Spring 2013
SECTION H Lighting 46
H3-Wingwall Conduit Details 47 Revised cast iron junction box to stainless steel. Minimum size changed from 18” x 12” x 8” to 20” x 12” x 7”
SECTION K Temporary Erosion and Sediment Control 48
K1-Silt Fence 49
K1-Floatation Boom 50
K1-Tree Protection 51 Silt Fence Plastic Fence Wood Snow Fence
Section M-Base Sheets 52
M8 Crash Wall Modifications Median Piers Crash Wall Height Increased from 4’-6” to 5’-0”. 53
M8 Crash Wall Modifications Shoulder Piers Crash Wall Height Increased from 4’-6” to 5’-0”. 54
M Roadway Typical Sections-Groups M19-Group A Mainline Roadways M20-Group B Ramp Roadways M21-Group C Directional Ramp Roadways M22-Group D Gutter Aggregate shoulder (With & without guardrail) 55
M Roadway Typical Sections-Groups M23-Group E Mainline & Ramp Fill & Cut Sections M24-Group F Gutter with Single Slope Barrier M25-Group G Gutter with Noisewalls 56
Roadway Typical Sections-Groups M 19-Group A Mainline Roadways M 22-Group D Gutter with Guardrail M 23-Group E Mainline Fill Sections 57
M26-Outlet Control Structure- Check Dam Details 58
M27- Overhead Sign Structures Span Type Summary and Total Bill of Material 59
M-28 Overhead Sign Structures Cantilever Type- Steel Summary and Total Bill of Material 60
Questions ? 61