Global Food Trends Daventry, 20 October 2004
12½ % van kinderen extreem overgewicht Health Sensory Connectivity Mega Trends
The new diet Functional Food Raw Food Food on the go Children’s food Health Cooking trends
The new diet Slow carb Low slow Slow digesting carbohydrates Lesser refined foods
Popular diets South Beach (America), Naturlig Slank (Norway) Montignac (France), GI-factor (Australia)
Slow carbs Pulses, grains, vegetables
Low carb Trend Slow carb Fad
Slow carb Less sweet More texture More vegetables, more whole grain bread
Functional food Protein Peptide milk protein anti-ageing (baby boomers)
Raw Food Taste matters Charlie Trotter ambasador Food as pure as you can eat
First global food trend Food on the go
Food pyramids Eastern & Mediterrenean
Food on the go Sweden
Food on the go Paris
Children’s food
Healthy cooking trends Dressings
Health cooking Marinades
Steaming, grilling, Roasting Health trends
12½ % van kinderen extreem overgewicht The new taste Taste boasting techniques Chock food Authenticity Sensory
Safe adventure New Taste
Sweet & spicy New Taste
New spices Sumac, grains of paradise, piment d’espelette
Taste boasting technics Barbecuing, smoking, curing, pickling
Winter barbecue
Indirect grilling ‘Webering’
Comfort food, bold soothing flavours Look out for: Hungary, Austria, Russia Eastern Europe cuisines
Schock food Contrasts Sensational ingredients Experience! Creator: Ferran Adria Devotees on all continents
Authenticity Better taste Greater variety Freshness Extra-ordinairy in ordinairy
New delicatessen: Fresh, seasonal and regional products
New delicatessen: New variaties, branding
New delicatessen Branding
12½ % van kinderen extreem overgewicht Slow Food Fooding Home Entertaining Connectivity
Slow Food Gastronomic culture Taste Conservation biodervisity Protection traditional foods
Fooding Radio Nova Planet
Fooding Food + feeling Character + harmony Respect Dedication
Home Entertaining nr. 1 weekend leisure, quality time Involvement
Baby boomers Social skills Echo boomers Culinary skills
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