The Teachings of Islam
Main Beliefs Monotheistic- one God, named Allah, who is believed to be all-powerful and compassionate Sacred text- Quran – Sacred word of God as revealed to Muhammad – Believed to be the direct, unchangeable word of God – Devout Muslims are expected to read it in its original language, Arabic – Teaches about God’s will and provides a guide to life – Sets ethical standards about honest, generosity, and social justice – Sets harsh penalties for crimes such as stealing and murder – Says that everyone will be judged and will end up either in paradise or hell Prophets- Muslims believe God sent many prophets, but that Muhammad was the last and greatest of the prophets
Duties of Muslims 5 Pillars – Declaration of Faith – Pray 5 times every day – Give charity to the poor – Fast during Ramadan – Make the pilgrimage (hajj) to Mecca Jihad – Literally means to struggle in God’s service – Usually refers to overcoming personal immorality (sin) – At times in history, it has meant a holy war against others (like Crusades were to defend Christianity) – To adhere to the Quran, it MUST be a community interpretation, not a personal or small-group jihad. For a true jihad, the entire Muslim world must feel truly threatened, which is extremely unlikely to happen in the modern age. – Some extremists take the idea of jihad and go on personal missions of terror, but it’s a misinterpretation of the Quran
People of the Book Muslims believe that they have the same God as Jews and Christians, but that they have the final revelation from God Muslims see Jews and Christians, therefore, as “People of the Book” – They are spiritually superior to anyone who is polytheistic or worships idols – Usually have enjoyed freedom and safety in Muslim societies, though there have been exceptions
Sharia Law Developed by Muslim scholars over the course of many years Set of laws that Muslims should follow – Includes interpretations of the Quran – Includes examples from Muhammad’s life – Includes Muslim traditions Applies religious principles to legal situations (both criminal and civil) Provides the basis for the law in some Muslim countries, but does NOT replace the law code in non-theocratic countries like America
Islam and Women How women are treated in a Muslim family/society depends on the Muslim family/society, not so much on the religion itself The same has been true throughout history with Islam Worst case scenarios: – Muslim women could not inherit property – Had to obey a male guardian – Could be killed at birth if the dad wanted a son What the Quran said – Women are spiritually equal – Killing of daughters is not allowed – Women are allowed to inherit property – Women are allowed to reject a marriage offer – Women should be educated so they can study the Quran Reality today – Culture dictates life for women more than the Quran itself – Some Islamic countries are very repressive of women while some just encourage more traditional (housewife-type) roles for women – How can the economy play into this? – Standards of modesty vary, but in some cultures women are completely covered in public by burqas