Health In Action – Tool for Teaching Health and Physical Education Presented by: Christine Philley, CFCS School Health Administrator Office of Coordinated School Health Mississippi Department of Education
HEALTH IN ACTION IS: A collection of web-based lesson plans written by educators from across the state Lesson plans that are linked to web-based resources, classroom materials and videos For all educators Lesson plans that can be implemented in regular classrooms, gyms or on the playground
HEALTH IN ACTION IS (continued) Lesson plans that link school health education and physical education with core academic subjects Lesson plans that are based on State and National Standards for Health and Physical Education Age appropriate lesson plans that are based on competencies prescribed by state Health and Physical Education frameworks
WHY HEALTH IN ACTION? To assist educators in implementing the requirements of the MS Healthy Students Act. To provide resources to support the implementation of quality health education and physical education/activity based instruction in classrooms across the state.
HEALTH IN ACTION INCORPORATES Health Education Strands: Personal wellness Disease prevention and control Substance abuse prevention Human growth and development Mental health Social health Environmental health Safety and first aid
HEALTH IN ACTION INCORPORATES Physical Education Strands : Gross motor skills development Social skills Cognitive development Fitness Fine motor skills development Personal skills Lifelong learning participation Adapted physical education
HEALTH IN ACTION IS: Based on interesting monthly themes that focus on National themes and monthly press releases Lesson plans that reinforce and support monthly themes. Some examples are: February – All Fair In Love and P.E. March – Nutritious and Delicious April – Tying It All Together May – Spring into a Healthy School Environment
HEALTH IN ACTION LESSON PLANS ARE: Grade level appropriate for K-2; 3-5; 6-8; and 9-12 grades Activity based to get students up and moving and engaged in learning that is fun!
Navigating the Health in Action Web-Site
WHEN CAN I USE THE HEALTH IN ACTION WEBSITE? Educators are able to access the Health In Action NOW. Our goal is to use every opportunity to train educator to access and use the site as they make plans for the new school year.
To access the HEALTH IN ACTION website: Go to:
Want More Information? Contact: Christine Philley, CFCS - School Health Administrator Phone: (601)