What is the strongest predictor of an individual’s health status? Age Income Employment status Educations Literacy skills Racial/ethnic group 8/7/2015
Fill in the blanks One out of ? American adults reads at the 5th grade level or below, and the average. one out of 5 The average American reads at the 8th to 9th grade level, yet most health care materials are written above the ? grade level. 10 th grade Source: Partnership for Clear Health Communication at the National Patient Safety Foundation 8/7/2015
Health literacy the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, understand, and act on health information Source: CDC, Healthy People 2010
Health information literacy The set of abilities needed to: Recognize a health information need Identify likely information sources and use them to retrieve relevant information Assess the quality of the information and its applicability to a specific situation Analyze, understand and use the information to make good health decisions Source: Medical Library Association
Medical Terminology Stress Fear Embarrassment Average reading level Chronic illness Limited time with care providers Health Literacy Factors
health literacy challenges Finding doctors Finding services Health education materials Prescriptions Discharge instructions Food labels Consent forms Test preparation
What can you do? Get The Word Out Hold a workshop MLA Health Information Literacy Project Help rewrite patient handouts Join your patient education committee Spread the message that literacy is a skill Apply for NN/LM NER funding Learn more Promote NLM health resources for the public Other?
Resources for Consumer Health Information What’s New? National Library of Medicine
What book inspired this resource?
“Richard Scarry’s Great Big Air Book”
Green cleaning The non toxic trio: Baking soda Castile soap White vinegar Source: Gavigan, Christopher, Healthy Child Healthy World, Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home, Other agents: Lemon Essential oils
LactMed Free online database with information on drugs and lactation Over 500 drugs Data mined from scientific literarue Fully referenced Links to PubMed citations Breast feeding links
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Profiles in Sciences includes photos and much more!!!
Profiles in Science includes research and papers…
Profiles in Science includes correspondence…
8/7/2015 8/7/2015
evolution of e-patients In 2000, 52 million Americans searched the internet for health In 2002, 73 million… In 2006, “Googling for a diagnosis” [BMJ] In 2006, only one quarter of online health seekers said they always or usually check the source and date of health information online! In 2009, e-patients – searching for a “just in time someone like me” 8/7/2015
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Top sources consulted for health information? Health professional = 86% Friend or family member = 68% Internet=57% Books or other printed material=54% Insurance provider=33% Other source=5% Source: Pew Internet and American Life Project The Social Life of Health Information, June 2009
MLA Health Information Literacy Survey Findings Majority felt provision of consumer health information resources critically important to fulfilling hospital mission General awareness of online consumer health information resources, but little awareness of Information Rx or similar services Majority believed their hospital could improve health literacy by training staff to respond appropriately to patient health information needs Source: Shipman, Jean. Results from the NLM/MLA Health Information Literacy (HIL) Project, presentation Dec
Maintenance New Behavior or Relapse Precontemplation Contemplation Action Source: CHANGING for GOOD by Prochaska, Norcross and Diclemente, 1995 Transtheoretical Change Model
NN/LM Funding 8/7/2015
Thank you! Michelle Eberle Consumer Health Information Coordinator NN/LM New England Region (508) / (800) This project is supported under contract #N01-LM with the NN/LM New England Region from the National Library of Medicine.