Building and Growing the Research Enterprise…
The Research Enterprise… “creative work undertaken on a systematic basis in order to increase the stock of knowledge, including knowledge of man, culture and society, and the use of this stock of knowledge to devise new applications."
Research… Part of the Universities Tapestry
The Research Enterprise at USF
Research Begins in the Academic Units! The Departments: FACULTY The Colleges: DEANS Vice Presidents: PROVOST VP of RESEARCH The President: STRATEGIC GOALS
About the Department of Chemistry The Beginning… 4 Founding Faculty: Theodore Ashford Jack Fernandez Lawrence Monley Graham Solomons $5,150 in funding Chemistry one of the first three buildings on campus Beginning of the Graduate Program (MS 1965, PhD 1968) 12 Faculty 9 Graduate Students 20 Faculty 36 MS, 6 PhD $217,243 in funding 26 Faculty 23 MS, 31 PhD One of the Top 8 Producers of Chemistry Majors Nationally $375,994 in funding 26 Faculty 37 MS, 41 PhD NRC Ranking: 122 $502,444 in funding 27 Faculty 35 MS, 58 PhD $297,091 in funding 23 Faculty $1,540,834 in funding Tenure Track Faculty 5 Permanent Instructors 3 Core Facility Managers 130 Graduate Students $11,000,000 in funding
Bachelor of Science in Chemistry, ACS Certified163 Bachelor of Arts in Chemistry290 Biochemistry & Health Sciences Emphasis The Department of Chemistry: Undergraduate Program Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Sciences2,384 Academic Excellence, Student Access, and Student Success Degrees in Chemistry & Number of Majors in 2011/2012: 2,987 Majors Total Bachelor of Science in Interdisciplinary Natural Sciences 32 Bachelor of Science in Medical Technology 118
The Department of Chemistry: Student Access
The Department of Chemistry: Undergraduate Research Undergraduate students participating in Academic REU since 2005 Over 50 Publications Involving Undergraduates Over the Past Five Years!!!
The Department of Chemistry: Research & Graduate Education Impactful Research, Economic Leadership, & Community Engagement Biomolecular Chemistry & Drug Discovery Materials Chemistry Research Chemical Education Research
The Department of Chemistry: Research & Graduate Education SUCCESS! National Research Council USF Department of Chemistry 1. University of California-Berkeley 2. University of Illinois-Urbana Champaign 3. University of North Carolina Chapel Hill 3. University of California Los Angeles 4. Georgia Institute of Technology 5. Pennsylvania State University 6. University of California San Diego 7. Iowa State University 7. University of California Santa Barbara 8. University of California Irvine 9. Michigan State University 9. University of Texas Austin 9. University of Wisconsin Madison 10. University of Michigan 11. University of Colorado Boulder 11. University of Minnesota Twin Cities 12. Purdue University 12. SUNY Stony Brook 13. University of Arizona 14. University of Washington 15. University of California Davis 15. University of Florida 15. University of Maryland College Park 16. University of Pittsburgh 17. Texas A&M University 17.University of Iowa 18.The Ohio State University 19.University of Virginia 20.University of Oregon 21.Indiana University 21. University of Missouri Columbia 22. SUNY Buffalo 23. University of Nebraska Lincoln USF Public AAU Universities
The Department of Chemistry: Research & Graduate Education Materials Chemistry Research Biomolecular Chemistry & Drug Discovery Chemical Education Research 10 Faculty Over 130 Publications Past 5 Years Over 2,700 Citations Past 5 Years ~40 Graduate Students USF-SMMARTT 15 Faculty Over 140 Publications Over Past 5 Years Over 370 Citations Past 5 Years ~80 Graduate Students USF-CMD5 New Area of Research! 2 Faculty 8 Graduate Students USF-CChER
The Department of Chemistry: Research & Graduate Education Materials Chemistry Research Biomolecular Chemistry & Drug Discovery Chemical Education Research
Department of Chemistry Research Centers USF-Smart Metal organic Materials Advanced Research and Technology Transfer (USF-SMMARTT) More than $3 million in funding since patents in biotechnology and MOMs More than 400 publications in top tier journals Extensive industrial collaboration More than 3,000 citations each year Center for Molecular Diversity in Drug Design, Discovery and Delivery (USF-CMD5) More than $10 million in funding since Developing a 5-year BS/MS degree in drug discovery Numerous research publications and over 20 patent applications in the past 3 years Creation of spin-out companies (Nanopharma Technologies, KariCure and Modulation Therapeutics) in the USF small business incubator Integral component of the USF Center fro Drug Discovery and Innovation (CDDI). Center for Chemical Education Research (USF-CChER) This center will be the newest associated with the Department of Chemistry Will be National and International leader in Chem. Ed. research
The Department of Chemistry: Research & Graduate Education
The Department of Chemistry: Research & Graduate Education
The Department of Chemistry: Research & Graduate Education Return on Investment 66%
The Department of Chemistry: Graduate Program
The Department of Chemistry: Graduate Program
Department of Chemistry Administration/Staffing: Making it all work!!! Chair Graduate Coord. Faculty Affairs Graduate Coord. Student Affairs & Asst. Chair Teaching Lab Managers Academic Services Administrator Manager Fiscal&Business Admin. Assoc. Chair Lead Academic Advisor Academic Program Specialist Academic Program Specialist Unit Research Administrator Fiscal & Business Assistants Receptionist Academic Advisors
Research in the Academic Unit- The Departments Three types of research ‘cultures’ in academic units… 1.Departments with little or no research history 2. Departments with established research activity. 3. Departments with previous research history in decline.
Building a Research Culture within the Academic Department Building a Research Culture in Departments with Little or No Research History/Resurrecting Research Active Departments 1.Must be faculty driven! -Faculty must support a research agenda. -Not all faculty need to be research active but need to support research activities. -Non research active faculty play key roles in other areas of academic excellence.
Building a Research Culture within the Academic Department 2. Establish Research Success Metrics! -It’s not always about funding….but funding helps! -Enhance research visibility…Publications are critical! Although impact factors and citations are important, faculty should build diverse publication portfolios! -Research metrics are discipline specific. Departments must establish competitive metrics…target aspirational peers!
3. Hiring New Faculty…The Most Important Thing we Do! -Junior faculty enter with research expectations. -Hiring more senior faculty will jump start departmental research activity. -Research excellence metrics are established and become a component of annual evaluations and T&P. -Return on investment is critical with new faculty! Building a Research Culture within the Academic Department
5. Building Research Infrastructure -Research infrastructure needs are discipline specific. -Departmental research support: Unit Research Administrators -Adequate research space must be available. -Graduate student recruitment! No students = no research! Building a Research Culture within the Academic Department
Sustaining and Growing Departments with Established Research Activity 1.Evolving the Departments Research Identity and Profile! -Continue to evolve and promote signature areas of research. -Synergize research within the department. -Identify key metrics to improve program rankings. -Expand research funding portfolio…Be Creative! Growing Research within Research Active Academic Departments
2. Maintain a Balanced Faculty! -Research mentorship requires balance of Assistant, Associate and Full Professors. -Balance faculty in specific research areas! Too many faculty in overlapping areas of research limits access to graduate students. -Encourage research diversification- Explore new opportunities! Growing Research within Research Active Academic Departments
3. Departmental Support of Research Infrastructure! -Continue to invest in departmental infrastructure, when possible. -Develop new core facilities when needed and advance existing cores. -Creative use of research space!
Growing Research within Research Active Academic Departments 4. Growing Research = Growing Faculty! -Don’t build a department on a model from 1950! -Project into the future…what will our discipline look like in 10 years? Start building now! -Faculty growth also requires growth of the graduate program. -Faculty growth also requires space commitments!
Challenges in Cultivating Research at USF USF Administration -Availability of faculty lines! -No clear integration of research and academics. -Research space! -Grant infrastructure pre- and post-award. -Research infrastructure support, core facilities, start-up, etc Nationally -Reduced levels of funding. -Drive towards STEM, devalues other research enterprises.