M ICROCLIMATE C ONTROL S YSTEM Ism Alfreaq Ryan Hoffmeier Eric-Todd Anderson Kevin Wray Ruwaybih Alsulami Mohammed Alattas
P ROJECT OVERVIEW Develop a climate control system for easy maintenance of multiple terrariums/aquariums Easy to use user interface with possible extensions to the internet Monitor various aspects of the environments with sensors Control environments autonomously Presentation of current system status on LCD screens Possible extension to larger environment Room in house, indoor stadium, bio-dome Mohammed Alattas
O BJECTIVES Monitor and control environmental variables Temperature (heaters/fans) Humidity (mister) Lighting (lamps) CO 2 (CO 2 tanks) Multiple sensor boards to monitor individual environments Display current status on LCDs Easy to use user interface via local computer Interchangeability of peripheral devices Mohammed Alattas
Microclimate Control System Climate Variables Climate Control User Interface Module Microclimate Control System Inputs -Climate Variables: input from sensors -Power: 120 VAC rms, 60Hz -User Interface: desired climate variables Outputs -Peripheral Devices: adjust climate variables -User Interface: display climate variable values Functionality Read in climate variables from sensors, display values on user interface, control peripheral devices so that the environment's variables match user input Power L EVEL 0 Mohammed Alattas
L EVEL 1 Sensor Boards Power Supply Central Control Unit Peripheral Devices User Interface Climate Variables Climate Control Power Climate Values Desired Values Peripheral Control 6VDC, 1A 120VAC 12VDC, 1A Ryan Hoffmeier
L EVEL 1.1 Module Sensor Boards Inputs -Climate Variables: input from sensors -Power: 6VDC, 1A wall wart -Desired climate values from CCU Outputs -Climate values: CO 2, ambient light, temperature, humidity -Peripheral control: ON/OFF signal for each peripheral device Functionality Sensor board collects information from environment, turns ON/OFF peripherals to meet user’s desired environmental conditions, and sends current climate status to CCU. Module Peripheral Devices Inputs -Power: 120VAC with relays controlled by sensor board Outputs -Climate controlled by use of heater, fans, lights, humidifier, CO 2 tank Functionality Adjusts environmental variables L EVEL 1.2 Ryan Hoffmeier
L EVEL 1.3 Module Central Control Unit Inputs -Climate Values: current conditions measured and sent by sensor board -User Interface: user inputs desired environmental conditions -Power: 12VDC, 1A wall wart Outputs -User Interface: displays current climate conditions -Desired Values: outputs user input to sensor board Functionality Monitor and control multiple sensor boards from one location Module Power Supply Inputs -Power: 120VAC -Peripheral Control: ON/OFF signal for each peripheral Outputs -6VDC, 1A: sensor board -12VDC, 1A: central control unit -120VAC: peripheral devices based on control signal from sensor board Functionality Power sensor board and central control unit. Relays control signal from sensor board to peripheral devices. L EVEL 1.4 Ryan Hoffmeier
L EVEL 2.1: S ENSOR B OARDS Sensors 6VDC, 1A 5V Regulator 3.3V Regulator ATMega32 8 Desired Values LCD CO 2 Ligh t Temp/Humi d Wi-Fly Climate Variables Climate Values Peripheral Control RS232 I/O Digital/Analog I/O Ruwaybih Alsulami
L EVEL 2.2: P ERIPHERAL D EVICES Fans Heater Heat Cooling/Air Circulation Lights Light Humidifi er Humidity Solenoid Valve CO 2 Level Climate Control 120VAC (Relay Controlled) Ruwaybih Alsulami
L EVEL 2.3: C ENTRAL C ONTROL U NIT 12VDC RCM3400 Dev Board Wi-Fly Climate Values Desired Values User Interface 5VDC RS232 Ruwaybih Alsulami
L EVEL 2.4: P OWER S UPPLY 6V Wall Wart 120VAC Peripheral Control 12V Wall Wart 120VAC to Peripherals Sensor BoardCCU Peripheral Relay Control System 12V Power Supply Relays Power Strip Eric Anderson
S OFTWARE F LOW D IAGRAM (CCU) Root choose tank # or all choose tank # choose tank # get status for all get status for tank # choose variable to set set variable ‘P’rogram ‘S’tatus ‘Q’uit ‘tank #’ ‘A’ll ‘Q’uit Eric Anderson
S OFTWARE : S ENSOR B OARD P SEUDO C ODE Loop: check sensor 1 if out of range: adjust peripheral check sensor 2 if out of range: adjust peripheral check sensor 3 if out of range: adjust peripheral check uart connected to WiFly (CCU) if new parameters: change climate variables return current climate status Eric Anderson
Light Sensor Lights Heater Fans Humidifier LCD Output Sensor Board 2 Temp. Sensor Humidity Sensor CO 2 Sensor CO 2 Tank Light Sensor Lights Heater Fans Humidifier LCD Output Sensor Board 1 Temp. Sensor Humidity Sensor CO 2 Sensor CO 2 Tank S YSTEM B LOCK D IAGRAM Central Control Unit User Interface (PC) Network WiFly Kevin Wray
C ONTROL UNIT MICROPROCESSOR : RCM3400W Rabbit 3000 microprocessor 30MHz 8 channel 12-bit A/D with programmable gain Up to 47 I/O lines and 5 serial ports 412K Flash/512K SRAM Kevin Wray
S ENSOR BOARD MICROCONTROLLER : ATM EGA V operating range Serial USART 32kB Flash program memory 1kB EEPROM (non-volatile) 2kB Internal SRAM Up to 20MHz Kevin Wray
ATM EGA 328 P INOUT Eric Anderson
W I F LY C OMMUNICATION Central Control Unit communicates wirelessly with sensor boards using WiFly RN-134 “SuRF” board Eric Anderson
S ENSORS MG811 – CO 2 Sensor Detects 0.035% to 1% Low humidity and temperature dependency Needs ADC SHT71 – Humidity and Temperature Sensor Normal operating range: -20–100 o C Digital output Low power consumption TSL235R – Light Sensor Light to frequency converter 350–1000nm Output frequency: 200–300kHz Mohammed Alattas
P ERIPHERALS Solenoid valve (CO 2 ) Fans Lights Mister Heater Mohammed Alattas
P OWER (S ENSOR B OARDS ) 6VDC 5VDC3.3VDC 120VAC CO 2 Sensor (200mA) Wi-Fly (210mA) ATMega328 (200mA) Light Sensor (2mA) UART to USB (20mA) T/H Sensor (1mA) LCD Screen (3mA) Ryan Hoffmeier
P OWER Largest power usage through peripherals Sensor board connected to opto-isolator Isolator allows relay to pass current Keeps high current levels off of sensor boards Isolation of individual outlets of a power strip Allows for easy exchange of peripherals Ryan Hoffmeier
P ARTS L IST ComponentQuant. RN-134 “SuRF” board*3 RCM3400 RabbitCore Devel. Kit*1 ATMega3282 Sensors (CO 2,Temp/Humidity, Light)6 UART to USB IC2 Resistors/Capacitors/Diodes~75 Regulator/Power Supplies8 Relays10 Opto-isolator10 LCDs2 Peripherals9 Kevin Wray
D IVISION OF L ABOR TaskRyanEricKevinRobMohamme d Sensor Board DesignXX Program Sensor BoardXXXX Sensor Board PCBX LCDsXX Wi-FlyXX Power BoardXX SensorsXXX Program CCUXXX DocumentationX Kevin Wray
S CHEDULE Ruwaybih Alsulami
S CHEDULE H IGHLIGHTS Milestone I Parts interfaced with Arduino board Power strip control boards completed Milestone II Sensor boards completed Sensor boards interface with CCU User interface completed Expo Documentation completed Expansions? Ruwaybih Alsulami