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Small Group Ministries

Small Group Ministries Small groups are an effective tool for spiritual growth, community relationships, and evangelism.

The Structure of Small Groups Weekly meetings. The duration time is approximatly 1 hour. Have a leader, an associate leader, and a host.

The Structure of Small Groups 4. The members should define the day, place, and time to meet. 5. They should meet for at least six months.

Biblical Basis For Small Groups The New Testament Model of Group-Based Discipleship—Discipleship is often thought to take place primarily in one-on-one Bible studies. But in the New Testament, making disciples was a group event. The Example of the Early Christians—Acts 2:42-47

Biblical Basis For Small Groups 1. “They devoted themselves to the apostles’ teaching” Element: Bible study Purpose: continual spiritual growth 2. “and to the fellowship” Element: sharing each other’s lives Purpose: community

Biblical Basis For Small Groups 3. “to the breaking of bread” Element: eating together Purpose: community 4. “and to prayer.” Element: prayer Purpose: continual spiritual growth

Biblical Basis For Small Groups 5. “Everyone was filled with awe,” Element: God shows up! Purpose: worship, outreach 6. “. . . and many wonders and miraculous signs were done by the apostles.” Element: miracles Purpose: outreach, service

Biblical Basis For Small Groups 7. “All the believers were together and had everything in common. Selling their possessions and goods, they gave to anyone as he had need.” Element: in-reach ministry Purpose: service, community, outreach 8. “Every day they continued to meet together in the temple courts.” Element: meeting together Purpose: worship, community

Biblical Basis For Small Groups 9. “They broke bread in their homes and ate together with glad and sincere hearts, praising God” Element: small home groups Purpose: community, worship, continual spiritual growth

Biblical Basis For Small Groups 10. “and enjoying the favor of all the people.” Element: Purposeful presence in the community. Purpose: outreach 11. “And the Lord added to their number daily those who were being saved.” Element: Life transformation

God’s Instruction “The formation of small companies as a basis of Christian effort has been presented to me by One who cannot err.” (Christian Service, 72)

God’s Instruction The presentation of Christ in the family, by the fireside, and in small gatherings in private houses, is often more successful in winning souls to Jesus than are sermons delivered in the open air, to the moving throng, or even in halls or churches.” (Christian Service, 122)

Essential Elements of Small Groups People Food Bible study and life application Sharing each other’s lives Sing and Prayer Purposeful presence in the community

What Makes Small Groups so Effective? The small group compared to the church service. Intrinsic human needs. More participation.

How to Implement Pray for each implementation step. Do not impose the plan. Do not start without training the leaders. Bible study must be the main activity.

The Pastor’s Preparation: Step 1: Preparation The Pastor’s Preparation: Study the topic. Be convinced that small groups are essential for spiritual growth and evangelism for the church. Follow the steps without fear of failing.

The leader’s preparation: Step 1: Preparation The leader’s preparation: Preparation time can be accomplished during free time (i.e. weekend).

The church preparation: Step 1: Preparation The church preparation: Discuss and vote for the strategy and plan with the members of the church board. Have a program in the church for spiritual revival. Present the church’s plan for small groups to the members.

Step 2: Organizing Prepare a list with all the participants’ names. Decide what time the first meeting should take place.

Step 3: Implementation Each group can choose a name, a hymn, a Bible verse and a flag. Have time to be become better acquainted with one another. Later, invite non-church members to come. Set up extra chairs to motivate them to bring a new guest. Each small goup should have a missionary plan.

Suggested Program Reception and praise time - 10 min. Fellowship - 10 min. Testimony - 15 min. Prayer - 10 min. Requests and gratitudes. Intercessory prayer. Bible study - 35 min.

How to Find Small Group Leaders Look for group members who take the group seriously. Consider people who challenge your leadership. These may be potential leaders who are frustrated. Look for gifted people. Pray regularly for guidance.

How to Find Small Groups Leaders Look for people who embrace the small group vision. Try to look for people who exhibit spiritual, emotional, and social qualifications. At the end of the duration of your pilot group, talk with potential leaders and hosts from your group to assess their interest in leading the discussion or hosting a group.

Dealing With Excuses “I just don’t have the time.” “I don’t have the gift of leadership.” “I’m not the leadership type.”

Training the Leaders What qualities should a small group leader have? A growing relationship with Jesus. A sense of God’s call. Character and skill.

Training the Leaders B. Basic responsibilities for the leader. Find a host. Conduct life-changing group meetings. Prepare for your small group. Find resources. Share the responsibilities.

Training the Leaders B. Basic responsibilities for the leader. Choose a person to mentor. Shepherd the members of your group. Expand the ministry. Encourage each group member to maintain a healthy relationship with the church.

A Typical Small Group Meeting Gather the Group Study the Bible Pray Together

General and Festival Meetings What is that? They are motivational meetings. When does it occur? Each quarter. Who participates? The entire church and the small groups members make a parade. Who leads? The pastor or the coordinator.