From “Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives” to “Think Autism” Progress Update Nottingham City Autism Co-Production Group
Update Autism Progress Progression that Nottingham City has made will include: Autism Self Assessment Framework 2.Proposed activity for the capital funding, grant of £18.5k 3.Nottingham City’s Implementation 1.Training Proposal
Background Think Autism is the Government’s updated strategy to the Fulfilling and Rewarding Lives 2010, for improving the lives of adults with autism in England. 1.Increasing awareness and understanding of autism 2.Developing clear, consistent pathways for the diagnosis of autism 3.Improving access for adults with autism to services and support 4.Helping adults with autism into work 5.Enabling local partners to develop relevant services
Background There are three new key proposals to make the biggest difference to the lives, services and support for adults with autism over the next 5 years: 1.Autism aware communities 2.The Autism Innovation Fund - £18.5k capital funding 3.Better data collection, and more joined up advice and information services
2014 Autism Self-Assessment Framework Planning: – MiQuest has been adapted to include the reporting of autism and learning disability at GP level; – Engagement with autistic people has increased – External provider to facilitate the Autism Partnership board, which incorporates learning disability; “Speak Listen Act Together” Training – The multi-agency approach in partnership with Nottinghamshire County – Set the standard for other partners in the development and delivery of services. – Consultant Clinical Psychologist (Nottingham Aspergers Service) and the Speech and Language Therapist have developed training resources; – Autism Awareness E-learning will be available via Nottingham City Council’s web page to the public. – Every Colleague Matters in September 2014;
2014 Autism Self-Assessment Framework Diagnosis – Nottingham City’s Asperger’s Service (NAS) provides a range of services enabling citizens to manage their lives; – The average waiting time for diagnosis has been reduced from 68 weeks to 6 weeks Care and Support – Nottingham City’s Advocacy contract employs Autism trained advocates.
Areas for improvement Planning: Autism JSNA -incorporates the needs of children and transitions, Older people, BME and women; Data capture by social care services, and the promotion of accessible services. Training: Implementation of the multi-agency training plan; Diagnosis: strengthen the links between NAS and adult social care, and mainstream services; Care and Support: Utilise the Independent Living Support Services for people with autism outcomes, to help shape mainstream services. Carers needs and assessments Accommodation/Employment and Criminal Justice System: Ensure Autism awareness training is being delivered for frontline staff to increase access to mainstream services enabling citizens to self manage their autism and live fulfilling and rewarding lives.
Area Planning3543 Training22 Diagnosis13 Care & Support2211 Accommodation11 Employment1111 Criminal Justice System11 Totals – 2014
Change in RAG Rating RedAmberGreenTotal %47%35%100% 20140%60%40%100%